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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,719 REPLIES 3,719

Making moves

Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, do not add AI. We don't want AI. Firefox, you're better than this, PLEASE.

Making moves

Echoing what I'm already seeing here: no AI, not now, not ever. It's a climate-destroying, energy-devouring, ineffective plagiarism machine, nothing more. I don't want this feature at all. I don't want it feeding off what I input in a browser or search. I don't want it regurgitating a slurry of incorrect and stolen material when I'm looking for an answer written by a person.

Just stop.

Making moves

Is introducing an AI feature into Firefox, which may impact user privacy and environmental sustainability, really in line with Mozilla's commitment to openness, privacy, and a healthier internet?

Making moves

I am against AI services being built in. If people want that they should make plug-ins.

Making moves

Please don't add AI to Firefox! AI has absolutely ruined many other browsers for me and I would really like to continue comfortably using Firefox! AI messes up search results, provides inaccurate information and is a waste of resources and energy that can be directed to other things! Please listen to your users!! 

Making moves

i guess its time to find another browser

Making moves

To me implementing this seems to be a waste of time. Personally I wouldn't use it.

Making moves

I will not be using Firefox if it integrates AI bull**bleep**. I use this browser to get away from this garbage, and it's being shoved in my face again. I thought Firefox was better than this, but I guess not.

Making moves

no!!! no!!! i love firefox because of the privacy and because i can escape AI being at every corner. please don’t ruin the sanctity and utility of firefox by adding this garbage. your users deserve better 

Making moves

No, this is terrible. This is just chasing the flashy buzzword flavor of the year. Make a browser extension, but please don't ship it with the browser itself. 

Note how much negative feedback this has. And I know the team behind decisions likes to ignore community feedback, but market share is low, and they should maybe put two and two together.

Making moves

No thanks. Please make it opt-in if you have to jump on this destructive band wagon. No good can come from this. Search has become far less useful and with this you will be sending people further afield in the hopes that they'll buy something. Firefox used to be a trusted bastion to escape chrome but with ai ff becomes just another commercial. 

Making moves

I don't want AI in my browser for environmental, data security and ethical reasons. I use Firefox in part to escape the integrated AI on other browsers. 

Making moves

Absolutely not.

Making moves

Please keep AI away from firefox, we do not want that at all. I love firefox, but i'll switch if you guys start forcing AI on us like other browsers and apps.

Making moves

I switch to Firefox because of all of the privacy features. Adding AI to the platform completely undermines the privacy of all users. Also I am unsure on which LLM you are using but most of them are definitely not ready for production and are a danger to people who trust them. NO TO AI!!!!!!!!!!!

Making moves

Please no. I do not want AI products in my browser (or any other tech, for that matter) unless I specifically add it. AI has ethical and environmental downsides that are too dangerous to ignore. AI content is also of poor quality and overtakes human content, to a point where the web loses its credibility. Please focus on your core product: a high-quality internet browser. We don't want to lose Firefox because that gives Chromium/Google a monopoly, and that will stagnate innovation of the web (or turn it into even more AI).

Making moves

We do not need such functions in a browser. If anyone wants such a feature, an extension or plugin should be used. Firefox should focus on building an efficient browser. Not an energy guzzling AI function.

Making moves

god please no

Making moves

No one cares about AI on every product. We want a nice browser that is fast, energy efficient and protects our privacy. That’s all

Making moves

I don't think is really necessary, majority of people have little interest in AI or outright find it annoying. Just because everyone else is shoehorning AI into every website and browser don't mean firefox should too.

Making moves

Please don't do this. I know that all the cool kids are doing it, but that's not good enough. Mozilla should be better than this.

There are so many ethical and sustainability concerns with the current AI gold rush that you should not be touching this with a bargepole. I will certainly no longer contribute to Mozilla if this goes ahead.

Making moves

I'd rather you didn't do that.

Making moves

Please don't. AI does not have enough to be useful but plenty to be harmful. I already hate the AI summary on Facebook comments, I hate that AI comes up first in a Google search. I hate that the internal document library at my workplace has CoPilot turned on because we can't tell it to ignore old articles and it provides the wrong security procedures. Please don't. I would rather be able to trust your browser.

Making moves

I absolutely do not want any generative AI LLM garbage anywhere near my browser of choice. LLM trash has been proven to literally useless and a functional scam for months now, how is this still up for debate here at Mozilla about integrating it into the only browser left in the world not running on Chromium? Are you deranged? Keep this **bleep** out of Firefox and **bleep** you and anyone else for trying to push this garbage.

Making moves

Personally I started using Firefox because it didn't have an AI.  If it absolutely has to be there for some reason it needs to stay optional.

Making moves


Making moves

This is why extension exist. Don't do this create an extension that you can install.

Making moves

As described in this thread, the "AI services" experiment provides a configurable way for an end user to make queries against various AI service providers' APIs. The justification for integrating this directly in the browser, given by Mardak at is that deeper integrations with Firefox, such as access to the tabs list and tab groups, would require APIs that Firefox doesn't currently have.

The community appears to be strenuously opposed to having any connection between Firefox and AI service providers, even if it's not enabled by default. The presence of the connecting code, and Firefox's previous history of making things "opt-out" instead of "opt-in", cause users to worry that their data may be leaked to AI service providers without their consent.

The synthesis of these two POVs would seem to be: Make this AI integration into an installable first-party extension, which is not installed by default. If the deeper integrations planned require access to browser APIs which are not available to extensions, rather than putting controversial code into Firefox, Firefox should instead figure out how to make those APIs safely available to extensions.

Making moves

Please no. Mozilla is the last company we can turn to that DOESN'T have AI built in. Firefox is supposed to be simple and private and unlike other browsers. AI isn't simple OR private OR unlike what other browsers are doing.

It has a substantial environmental impact and it comes with huge privacy concerns (not just for the end user as you're suggesting, but for every person whose data is scraped on the web to create it—including most likely us). It also seems to be a sinking ship as consumers are realizing how inaccurate and invasive of privacy AI is and companies are realizing the liabilities that come with it.

Hearing that Mozilla is thinking of selling out to this trend brings up the exact same concerns for us that it did when we heard that your company was selling out to crypto in 2022. Having two incidents like this so close together REALLY hurts your credibility as a safe, secure, and ethical browser and erodes consumer trust. You might as well go back in time a few years and announce that you're getting into NFTs.

Making moves

I got excited when I heard that Mozilla was going to refocus on Firefox. But if the "browser that doesn’t sell you out" is just going to follow the crappy trends set by the monopoly-owned browsers, screw it. Almost nobody but techbros and clueless investors want this.
Maybe you'll grab a few users from Chrome with this AI nonsense, but you'll lose a lot of your former core users. Is it worth it?

Making moves

please don't implement this, generative AI is terrible for the environment and for the livelihoods of artists and writers

Making moves

Please don't.

Making moves

Indeed, "NO" sums it up quite nicely.
With all due respect, none of us needs AI to help us. No. One.

Making moves

Please do not do this. I use Firefox to avoid AI services. Even though the feature is optional, I will have to move to a different browser if Firefox implements it, as I do not want to give my business to a company that supports something so enviromentally damaging.

Making moves

dude please please PLEASE don't add AI garbage to this functional web browser. i use firefox because it doesn't have this nonsense slapped on top, and i have no problem changing that. **bleep** AI.

Making moves

Please do not add AI services to Mozilla. This is the last platform that functions without it and I would be sad to have to add every attachment known to man to get this stupid, all-consuming, stealing tool to get the heck out of my internet experience. Please, please, please no. No. No. No.

Making moves

Please, please, please don't. It's just unnecessary and directly promotes the amount of ai slop floating around the internet.

Making moves

Please don't. I already have to use Yandex with it's annoying AI for work. At least leave it optional forever.

Making moves

No thank you. 
the AI bubble has already burst at this point, and its environmental impact is primarily what concerns me whenever it’s brought up. The information it provides is fraudulent and all its databases are built on stolen data sets.  This is useless at best and harmful at worst. Please do not implement this. I pride myself on using Firefox because it’s a smarter, safer browser. Not because it’s trendy. This is a fad, and a dangerous one. 

Making moves

Please, please, PLEASE do not integrate AI as part of your user interface. It's becoming unbearably omnipresent and it provides exactly zero service or functionality that users actually want or need. There are a plethora of ethical issues involved with AI and LLM, but even if you're willing to put those aside (which you shouldn't be), it's just not useful or helpful in any genuine kind of way. A lot of the time, it's actively unhelpful and peddles egregious misinformation and outright gibberish. Just don't use it. Nobody wants this.