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Problems with browser and not able to report

Making moves

The browser is up to date and I am a registered user. Cache is cleaned and cookies are cleaned, temporary internet files, and every other file that ever needs cleaned.

For the last two days there has been an issue getting Facebook and a few other sites to load properly. EVERYTHING IS UP TO DATE! Just wanted that to be clear. Windows updates and all driver updates. Can someone please notify whoever it is that needs to know that Firefox is acting weird?


Making moves

For several years Firefox has been my reliable browser of choice. But for the last few weeks, when I first log on for the day, it takes several minutes to open gmail. Outlook is also delayed. Later in the day, response time returns to normal. It may have to do with the System Interrupts Microsoft has introduced. What this means is that I've begun using other browsers. However, none of them serve me as well as Firefox, so I hope you can find a way to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.