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Making moves

Hey all

I should have done this long ago, but here to say I WAS a big supporter of Firefox, and I have to say that I just can't use it anymore, I haven't for quite some time, but needed to for simplicity, well, it's just impossible,
My password manager extension gets locked like everyday while I check the 30 days box, History doesn't work (happened just today) everything disappears for no reason, I'm in crypto, and a good reliable browser is important, Sadly firefox is unmanageable, my MM also disconnects for no reason, and well, the OO competitor does it with almost ever screwing up like this, So yeah, 'm sad, I'm angry, cause Firefox was awesome but today I even thought of doing the unthinkable, opening Edge to see if it works better, can you imagine the feeling ?
Well, that's it, my testimony,


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