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Status: Trending idea

On Firefox Android, I've noticed problems on download management:

1. The Downloads page does not display the progress/status of ongoing downloads. It only displays completed downloads.
2. The download progress only displays in the system notification. If the download fails and cleared that notification (either intentional or by accident), the download will be removed/cancelled.

Here's my idea:
Add more information in the Downloads page (much like in Chrome and Edge):
- progress/status of ongoing downloads
- pause/unpause and cancel options
- progress bar or otherwise
- download speed and size downloaded over download file size

Comparison of downloads page of Chrome, Edge and Firefox:

Notice the download notification icon on the top of each browser.Notice the download notification icon on the top of each browser.

New member

download manager for Android firefox.


There's no download panel in firefox Mobile Android. One cannot start/pause/resume/delete a downloading file, it's not even visible. Which is very frustrating. And the download doesn't happen in background when you remove firefox from the recent apps, download just stops. Compared to other apps like chrome and opera, this is a big drawback using Firefox.

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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

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