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Authentication Ticket Mismatched, failed authentication / comment content lost

Making moves

Hi 🙂

There is sth going wrong.

When I write a comment, then I click on "post your comment", and then, for any reason, I get "Authentication Ticket Mismatched, failed authentication",

at this time the comment I wrote is lost !! I can't recover it by clicking on previous page.


Is it possible to correct that please ?

It's very wrong, because I don't think about copy the text each time just before click on "post your comment", so i need to rewrite all ... 😞


RAPID maintainer

Making moves

This authentication pb just happened now for me, whereas I was writing and 1 minute before it saved the draft. So it doesn't seem to be a timeout pb.

(Hopefully this time I saw it just before clicking on post. But it was not evident.)


Isn't anyone else annoyed by this pb ??


RAPID maintainer


This could be related to "Total Cookie Protection," a feature that limits how sites can use "third party" or "cross-site" cookies, meaning cookies from different websites than the one you see in the address bar. Many sites use comment systems like Disqus which are hosted on a different server.

You can make exceptions to this feature when needed. More info in the following articles:

Any difference?

Making moves

I was writing a comment about how Firefox stops loading a page when I am not viewing THAT TAB. When I tried to Post it a message popped up saying "authentication failed". Now I completely lost that comment after 15 minutes of time writing it. MORE of my time that I will NEVER get back. I am 80 yo and am quite literally running out of time. I was not aware of any authentication or any need for one. It would have been NICE to have asked for that before erasing my message.

A search brought me here to this topic. Now you want me to go to two articles.

WHY can't you just put a short answer HERE? ? ? ? ? YOUR SEARCH directed me here. My answer should be HERE!

OK, here I go to the articles. I hope.

Making moves


I read BOTH articles. Neither of them says anything about "authentication failed".

Thanks for wasting even more of my dwindling time. And your SEARCH is useless!

Why are things in the computer and internet world ALWAYS "Our way or the highway!" And is it Miller Time yet?

Why can't you geeks ever do things from the point of view of the user instead of your geeky desires.

@ChipsAndChips wrote:


I read BOTH articles. Neither of them says anything about "authentication failed".

The articles describe how to turn off Total Cookie Protection for a problem site. However, to cut to the chase, click the shield icon at the left end of the address bar, then when the drop-down appears, click the blue slider switch to turn off Enhanced Tracking Protection for the current site.

Repeat for any other pages used in the process of posting on that site.

If that doesn't help, then you know that Total Cookie Protection is not the reason for the Authentication Failed message.

But it doesn't tell you what IS causing the message.

If you think the problem might be taking too long to compose a post, you can compose it somewhere else, for example, on your email site, then copy/paste it here.