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スレッドペインのメッセージリストの1段表示を残す件 Remaining one line display of message list in Thread Pane

Making moves


In the beta version, the vertical message list is now displayed in two columns, but I feel that this has made it easier to select messages. We believe that it is important to be able to quickly determine whether a message has arrived.In the case of a two-row display, the number of message lists that can be displayed on one page is reduced, and the recipient and the message title are displayed alternately. In addition, since the title bar of the message list is removed, it is not possible to sort by the date and time of transmission and the transmission phase procedure with one click. In the message list, we believe that it is important to give priority to functions that make it easy to find messages, regardless of displaying the full text of the message title, from the viewpoint of ease of use. I would like to ask you to reconsider the fixed specifications. Of course, it would be fine if you could choose between two-row display and one-row display. I feel that appearance is a priority.


Making moves

(koishiの追加コメント)  投稿コメントが編集されましたが、誤りがあります。2行表示は、メッセージが選びにくくなったとの意見ですが、編集では逆になっています。選びにくくなったと考える根拠は、一覧できるメッセージの件数が減ったこと、メッセージタイトルと送信者が交互に表示され、メッセージタイトルが見にくくなったこと、ヘッダーがなくなり、送信者や受信日時でのワンクリックでのソートができなくなったことです。メッセージタイトルを全文字表示できなくてもよいので、1行表示可能にして欲しいと思います。(コウ

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

To display single line, you need to change the message list from Cards View to Table View.

Wayne, Community Manager, Thunderbird

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