I most whole heartily agree MT65. I can't think of any reason why the ability to sort bookmarks was left out. It's like a dictionary listing words in the sequence they were first used or created! It is MOST frustrating every day I use my phone. There...
I LOVE upgrading to a newer computer but DREAD having to reinstall anything, and everything, only to find not everything was! So here's my simplistic view on the moving to a new computer process:1. Log into the old computer as admin2. Install a large...
I have several professional and hobby interests that I follow and often (OFTEN!) wished I could simply select whichever from a pull down menu and instantly all the tabs for that interest of mine would appear on the top bar. Hope to see something simp...
I often thought of a pull down list of projects or interests I work on that when selected would open it's own respective set of tabs. Maybe 'Tab Groups' would be similar. Go for it.