User Activity
Somebody, not clever, add color to developer js-console, ignore rules for good contrast text vs. baground.If you not know, how compute, you can use my non-oficial formula, page there background color, then text co...
Bylo by mozne k naseptavani pridat moznost vlastniho serazovani vysledku? Nebo, pripadne nejake vlastni ovladani, ne, co mi vnucuje jakysi autor, co pouziva prohlizec jinak nez ja.Kdyz mam zaskrtnute Historii, Zalozky, Panely.Vetsinou, kdyz programuj...
Hi. Can you use normal setting for opened TB tabs?
I can see new message as red point in right side. Not new windows share. And too, can see opened program on in right side.
In settings, i can set only:- normal win, opened program in icon + program w...
I can try dissable "údržba" messages. I not need it, i do it alone. Only spam need move.Problems...1. google search for guide, guide on web is too old
Hi, i have problem. I have opened Firexox and Thunderbird in W11 in dark mode. Not know, which window is actived. I type in thunderbird "fa" as, i can type facebook to firefox window. And TB do something. I not use control key as control...