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So say I want a reddit container it would make sence to have the icon be the reddit icon.
Or I want a costom icon I can convert the image to a data URI and use that.
Have a option to choose which container you use for a site for multiable accounts
How this would work.
add option to select a set of containers to open a site in. when you go to it should first open a landing page with an option set of wh...
Add the ability to encrypt cookies with the primary password to prevent cookie stealer malware use the same prompt to unencrypt passwords.
So the main problem with security is the human, Bob sees email urging him to click on the link and login he does and his account get's stolen. Because of Bob we made password managers, problem is Bob doesn't know how to use one. So we made OAuth whic...
If you take account management and abstract account login and creation behind a sign in with Firefox button which would type in the password username or even create an account. You can start to manage login and add MFA to all sites add different leve...