Many people are affected by this. This error has been raised in bugzilla, but they do not seem to solve the problem.
@c933103@ 我不认为这是一个实际存在的问题,中国版本的“火狐浏览器”由谋智(中国)运营而非Mozilla基金会。国际版本的Firefox浏览器不在中国法律管辖范围内,况且Firefox Translate离线运行。
I don't think this is an actual problem, the Chinese version of "Firefox" is run by Mozilla (China) and not the Mozilla Foundation. Intern...
一个直观的图形界面用来配置它是很有必要的,桌面端的Firefox完善了这一部分,在移动端使之易于配置也是很有必要的。It is necessary to have an intuitive graphical interface for configuring it, and Firefox on the desktop has improved this part, making it easy to configure on the mobile end is also necessary.