User Activity
I currently use Thunderbird Calendar to manage Club activities. Therefor I need a fast way to get an Overview about planed activities.
Please add a possibility to print a Year calendar. (In fact I do not propose to stick on a printout for 365 days.)
I would like to have specific address book related grammar checker. So If I enter a name a suggestion for First and Last name appear, or a correction if I have an error.Check written mail address in Mail contents and also Location like streets and vi...
Currently I have several devices that modify my Nextcloud CalDAV.Every time I open Thunderbird on certain PC first several old dates popup. Please allow to deactivate this popup. I do not need any information about old Items in my calendar. This Dia...
I use a shared calendar on several devices. I have the Problem, that on every device with Thunderbird If I start it at first i get all calendar entries popping up since the last start of thunderbird.that's anoying. I'm only interested in the future n...
Currently I have several Account set-up in Thunderbird with the Matrix integration some more will be added soon.It's embarrassing and may a privacy problem if you write a Mail but write it from the wrong Mail address.Please allow to bind Mail and Cha...