Making moves
since ‎08-23-2022

User Statistics

  • 25 Posts
  • 6 Ideas Submitted
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 26 Kudos received

User Activity

My feature requests are awaiting approval for up to a year by now.Please skim unmoderated items in a timely manner and approve mine.Thank you.
This is my use case:I’m regularly browsing lists of hyperlinks to follow list items’ content in new browser tabs.So, what I’m often doing is to middle click a hyperlink and immediately push the mouse away so I can continue my work using the keyboard ...
I'm trying to create printable reports sourced from HTML.Currently, I'm not able to add decent page headers and footers.Please have Page-Margin Boxes work in Firefox. 
I tried to analyse the audio source of the following podcast:https://www.ksta.de/podcast/talk-mit-k/agnes-strack-zimmermann-ueber-moeglichen-angriff-putins-auf-deutschland-das-muss-man-ihm-einfach-zutrauen-744993Yet, the Network tab does not show any...
Current SituationCurrently, whenever I open Outlook Online, all of a sudden, a Firefox notification bar pops up at the top, requesting me to make Firefox the default e-mail handler for Outlook Online:This is very much annoying, because it shifts down...
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