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Making moves
Status: Delivered

I'd like to ask devs when they think :has css selector will be finally fully implemented in firefox. In fact, it's the only browsers blocking this revolution in css authoring.

Strollin' around

As a long time web developer I'm sometimes a bit overwhelmed how fast the web is moving forward nowadays. New tech keeps popping into browser all the time. As browser vendors I'm sure you are quite busy trying to implement all the new tech that is being standardized. The :has() selector is one of the coolest thing in a long time and it would help a lot in so many places. Hope you'll nail the final bugs soon and :has() selector is shipped also in Firefox.

New member

CSS frameworks like TailwindCSS have shipped support for this selector and many people started to use it in production, which means that some websites will start to look different between browsers. I hope you have managed to fix those final bugs and the :has selector will be also supported by Firefox.

New member

 Actually, I cannot help but observe that both bugs remain open, neither has been updated in weeks (months, in the case of 1792501), and, with regards to 1833679, the aforementioned 2 week-old discourse is still centered on how to begin fixing the problem.

This does not bode well. Not least because it is now officially the second half of the year, 116 beta :has no sign of it, nor, indeed, does 117 alpha. And, while I fully acknowledge there is a flag to enable the functionality, this is indistinguishable from โ€œunable to use,โ€ since an inability to roll to prod is tantamount to an inability to use, period.

That said, and given the FF std release cycle, weโ€™re looking at September, soonest? I guess?

Strollin' around

When will this feature be ready? Can we get an updated ETA?

Strollin' around

I'm so pumped for this, it's so close to be here! I've literally just ran into a use case in one of my projects and I'd love to implement it ASAP. I'll wait patiently--but with anticipation! ๐Ÿคฉ


The work on has() is a priority (together with CSS Nesting shipped couple days ago,

I don't have any further ETA for has() atm, but the team is actively working on this in order to ship it ASAP.

Making moves


New member

according to this there is no priority set for this feature. Nightly Firefox on version 118 still has no :has implementation ๐Ÿ˜•

Making moves

Can't believe it ๐Ÿ™„

New member

In my view, :has should be a much bigger priority than nesting. People are already actively using :has()() on production websites where CSS can be changed much more easily than HTML or JS. It is necessarily progressive enhancement for now, for sites that care about Firefox, but Firefox users are getting a worse user experience on those site as a result of it still not supporting this.

New member

Let's not get too hung up on priority flags in one single issue on Bugzilla. If you read that very issue's comments, you'll find both queries regarding a timeline/ETA and responses from developers (no ETA, but instead hints on where to actually follow along the progress being made on the :has() selector.

Regarding priority, anyway, the :has() selector is prioritized for 2023, given that it is included in Interop 2023, the collective effort of browser vendors to get rid of browser engine inconsistencies. 

For starters, you could look at this comment in the issue that has been referenced previously in this thread:

Making moves

It feels wrong to see people make excuses for the wait on an implimentation of the :has attribute like it is not a big use case right now and people don't already use this on production websites.

Every browser implimented this at the beginning of this year (some even faster) and now one of the biggest browsers can't seem to prioritize this? Such a weird this. Getting more and more frustrating to work with filezilla at this point. Please make this more of an priority

New member

Any news? This is getting left far behind now.


Thank you for your active engagement and concern about the implementation of the :has() CSS selector in Firefox. We understand that this feature is eagerly anticipated by many developers and is essential for modern web development.

As previously noted, the team is actively working on this feature and it has the highest priority. The challenges in implementing the :has() selector are not trivial, involving not just changes in the rendering engine but also ensuring compatibility and performance.

The feature is also part of the Interop 2023 initiative, aiming to resolve browser engine inconsistencies. So, we're committed to rolling this out as soon as it's ready and thoroughly tested.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Strollin' around
Thank you for your active engagement and concern about the implementation of the :has() CSS selector in Firefox

Lol so diplomatic. Of course it's a priority. And yes it's revolutionary but people would have to wait quite a while before they could use it in production on commercial projects anyways. Your side projects can wait and just be broken on Firefox in the meanwhile, it's fine

Thanks for all your work on this Mozillians. I'll admit it's been a little concerning watching Firefox fall behind in interop-2022 but once this and custom properties are resolved it should tie things up nicely