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Making moves
Status: New idea

Dear Mozilla Firefox Developers,

I'm writing to express my strong desire for Firefox to support Web3 and blockchain technology. Web3 and blockchain technology are becoming increasingly important as the world moves towards decentralised systems and digital assets.

I believe that adding Web3 and blockchain technology support to Firefox would not only improve the user experience but would also distinguish Firefox as a leader in innovation and technology. Furthermore, combining Web3 and blockchain technology would give users more control over their data while also increasing the security and privacy of their online interactions.

Thank you for your consideration and time. In the future, I hope to see Web3 and blockchain technology integrated into Firefox.


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

New member

I seriously second this.

Web3 is to DNS what Firefox is to Web Browsers.

It's a disservice to the goal of an open internet if Firefox doesn't support Web3.

New member

I will strong suggestion great incredible to upgrade the web3 and blockchain technology. 

New member

Great to see a thread on this although its old and stale without much content.
I can offer a few thoughts on ideas that might be worth exploring.

1. Native Wallet Support: Unfortunately Metamask is sloppy and not for noobs. My first thought for an integration would have been (new browser extension wallet on the block that offers the same low level control as metamask, but also has better UX and likely not bogged down by legacy code). Unfortunately its not currently available as a Firefox extension. Maybe the best avenue here is to just build a new wallet in rust and make it native to this browser. I would absolutely give it a try! Note that Brave browser has (since over 5 years) attempted a native wallet and I don't believe its been all that successful. In my opinion, its because they made it centralized and its not really web3.

2. Another bleeding edge idea is the concept of a decentralized VPN. Gnosis is about to incubate the development of a such a product.

Anyway, I guess the only real way to kickstart this post would be to generate some ideas on what/when/how? Would love to see some native web3 integrated into Firefox!

New member

Strongly second!

Hope that Mozilla come and revert about this quickly as web3 are booming af

Making moves

Strong second, Brave has added it a long time ago.

New member

+1 !!!!!