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New member
Status: In development

i have switched from chrome since past 1 month and firefox is just better. the only thing i did not find easy is the option for having multiple profiles to be used at ease, could be better if there was one to easily access seperate profiles for work and home

New member

I'm trying to switch from Chrome to FF due to the former's cessation of support for uBlock Origin, but this issue is a huge sticking point for me.  The fact that it's been nearly two and a half years since this thread was started is discouraging.

To add one necessary feature that may not have been mentioned: in Chrome, a new link from outside (e.g. clicked in Discord) will be opened in whatever window was last active.  If I'm opening a non-work link, I simply have to make sure I bring a non-work browser window to the front before clicking.  In Firefox, every link is opened in the default profile.  There's no quick and easy way to choose in which profile to open a new link on a case-by-case basis (and this is also true if I were to use FF for personal and Chrome for work).  The best I could do is set common work-related sites to open in a container on my non-work profile, but that leads to a very disjointed experience (since I also need a work profile for separate bookmarks, etc.)