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New member
Status: New idea

In safari, there is the ability to add a text name or label to a saved credit card. This is useful if you have many cards and can't remember or don't want to memorize which number corresponds to which card.  This would be great to add to firefox

New member

Feature to add nicknames for passwords

There are occasions where you use credit/debit card number and generated random email alias to login certain websites. A feature to set nicknames for saved login/password would be great to identify the login information easily.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Please add this - I need to use both personal and business cards in the same browser. Without a customisable name this feature is hamstrung.

New member

There is a developer discussion at the link below which seems to indicate a fix was at least in the testing phase a year ago, but it still hasn't made it to production:

New member

When you have more than 20 credit cards, managed for three different people, having a "nickname" is crucial so you can make the correct card choice. It is really difficult to try and remember the ending numbers for this many cards when most other payment saves allow a nickname field!!!!

Making moves

@Serg @Jon

A bug open for seven years:

Chromium allows saving card nicknames:


Safari allows saving card nicknames:


Edge allows saving a nickname:


Firefox is the only browser that does not.

Every financial institution web site allows nicknaming accounts, payees, etc.

This is a basic usability feature!

Imagine having a phonebook that only displays the first name of the person, and you know 10 Johns.


Strollin' around

s'il vous plait, ร  la rigueur, juste un petit champ en texte libre : les utilisateurs trouveront bien comment en faire bon usage pour retrouver facilement la carte recherchรฉe.  c'est exaspรฉrant de devoir comparer ces numรฉros enregistrรฉs ร  ceux de nos diffรฉrentes cartes ...

please, at the very least, just a small free text field: users will be able to figure out how to make good use of it to easily find the card they are looking for. it's exasperating to have to compare these registered numbers with those of our various cards ...
