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Making moves
Status: Not right now

It would be nice if I could drag and drop the top level folders of each mail account in Thunderbird   in the LHS panel, because I cannot remember if they just appear in the order in which I created them, but however that order is selected, it doesn't appear to be subject to user modification, and I am going through the process of updating websites and creating new ones and creating new emails, and I need to have them in a logical order, and preferably even be able to group them by domain, so that I can have the most minimal view on the LHS but then open a domain, and see all the email addresses in that domain in the order in which I want them to appea

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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New member

Great idea, I would also like to change the order of these folders. Doesn't have to be domain specific for me. But would be great to just drag and drop them around so I won't have to scroll anymore for my newest account. 

Familiar face

Another instance of asking for what already exists.

  1. Go to account settings.
  2. Drag the accounts into the order you want them to be in the list on the side.
  3. Restart Thunderbird.


Status changed to: Not right now
Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

It is true that reordering in Account Settings is possible.  But the reporter @GalacticPrez is expecting this in the folder pane. Lack of discoverability is partly to blame for such expectations, which is

With reordering possible in Account settings, I would not expect ordering in the folder pane to be considered any time soon.

Strollin' around

Lack of discoverability is a bug. I've been looking for (and expecting to find) this functionality in the folder pane as well. It's the natural place to expect to be able to do it. It's incredibly non-obvious to have to go into Account Settings to change it.

New member

I have two computers running the same version of Thunderbird mail.  On my laptop I can reorder my accounts in the Accounts Settings and reload and it works.  On my second desktop computer, I can reorder but then I reload and they're back where they were.  Very annoying...    

New member

The initial comment for re-ordering the accounts on the left side does not work anymore.

New member

I wished to arrange my mailbox some days ago after using the same order for years.
It only took me one try and error to find out it must be in the account settings.
Works as charme.