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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

The bookmark keyword feature was available on the old Firefox for Android app, but it was never introduced on the new app.

This is a great feature still available for the Desktop version of Firefox and I really miss it on Android. In the past, bookmarks with a keyword would seamlessly sync between the Desktop and Android apps and the keyword would work as expected on both apps.

Please reintroduce bookmark keyword on Firefox for Android!

New member

Would like the same for the iOS/iPadOS version of Firefox.

New member

YES! This! ๐Ÿ™

New member

This is the main reason that I installed Firefox on my Android. I had setup short keywords for all my bookmarks, which made everything soooo fast to navigate. I naturally assumed that this was part of the synced data, but was so dissappointed to find that it is not supported on Android. Even worse, all the bookmarks I saved on my desktop are hidden multiple clicks deep in the settings screen.

I love the synced bookmarks feature for how I can work and move between devices. I would love to see this to be prioritised.

New member

I really miss the bookmark keyboard feature as well on Firefox for Android, especially with the variable %s which is really useful on the desktop while looking for man pages or dictionaries.

New member

I love bookmarks! Really miss them both on android and iPad

New member

Yes please. I need this for search shortcuts as Search providers are not synced between devices.

Strollin' around

Adding another "yo! i really liked this too" is legit the main reason I'm here, ahah

Keyword searches exist in Vivald on Android, but that doesn't support extensions like Firefox mobile does, and still has a lot of rough edges, so I'm kinda torn between the two, and bounce between as my desire to use keywords and extensions duke it out

I have my default search set to duckduckgo on Firefox since bang searches kinda work as a semi-replacement, but I really do have a lot of bespoke and nice-only-specifically-for-me searches that wouldn't really make sense in ddg, and I can't see a way an extension would be able to let me to comfortably do what used to be possible

Hosting my own special search server specifically so I can use it as a default is also overkill and can't benefit from syncing changes I have on desktop

tl;dr - I really miss this, and even though I realize this message likely won't change much, I at least wanted to voice this in the right place

New member

@Archenoththanks for taking the time to write your comment. I'm sure we are more than 7 to miss this feature but most won't bother to voice it out. After more than a year, I still miss this feature so bad!

New member

I am using Firefox keyword search since many years in Firefox for Desktop, every day. And I have been using it with Firefox Mobile until this feature was dropped in 2019, not because it was no longer needed, but because they reimplemented Firefox completely, and just didn't pay attention.

Keyword search is a core part of how I access some frequent sites, e.g. ...

wd =
we =
imdb =
j = addition to many more sites. This feature is even more important on mobile devices to reduce the total number of taps and swipes when I know exactly where I want to go.

For consistency reasons, this feature should work again in Firefox Mobile. Please bring it back!

You can read more people voting for this feature to be added again to Firefox Mobile in issue #12099 on the "mozilla-mobile" Github project:

New member

Bookmark keywords will be migrated to custom search engines.
Bugzilla ticket tracking the work being done on Desktop -
Closing this ticket as such.
Will open new ones for going with custom search engines also once we have more details.

This has become
Consolidatin search alias and keyword usage / Rework the search preferences UI for both Desktop and Mobile.  

New member

The Github project- has closed and meged into the work consolidate search alias and keyword usage / Rework the search preferences UI on both desktop and mobile -

Making moves

Wow, two years and this is still missing ๐Ÿ˜ช

New member

This feature was dropped in 2019, not because it was no longer needed, but because they reimplemented Firefox completely with version 79 and just didn't pay attention.


Firefox for Android starting with version 79 is a completely new implementation: "Fenix (internal codename) is the all-new Firefox for Android browser, based on GeckoView and Mozilla Android Components." (

For consistency reasons, this feature should work again in Firefox Mobile. Please bring it back!

You can read more people voting for this feature to be added again to Firefox Mobile in issue #12099 on the "mozilla-mobile" Github project:

Strollin' around

Please add this again, it is one of the best features of firefox on desktop.