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Status: New idea

As a language learner, I love the beta Firefox translation feature "Translate Selection". However, when text is translated to another language, it pops up in a box that partially overlays the original text which makes it difficult to compare the original and translated text. Could you please add functionality to make the translation box movable with a cursor or to offset the box so that it does not partially overlay the original text (this is how the deepl extension works)? Thank you!

Status changed to: New idea
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Hey @runningmountain, thanks for taking the time to engage here with the community by asking this question! I was the lead developer on this feature, and I'm happy to see community feedback.

A similar bug was filed not long ago in Bugzilla regarding this same functionality. I would encourage you to read my more-detailed response there.

A short summary is that we determined early on that click-and-drag movable UI would be out of scope for the Select Translations Panel, however the panel is not required to cover up the content that you have selected.

Instead, the panel is designed to open at the location of wherever you open the context menu. You can choose to click on top of the text, which will open the panel over the text, or you can click anywhere else within the web page to open the panel wherever it is most convenient for you to read the translated text.

I attached a video to the bug mentioned above, demonstrating this behavior.

Making moves

Just use Simple Translate, it's worked great for me for the past couple years besides some issues with Google Translate's translation quality.

Making moves

Another solution is to make the box semi-transparent, but perhaps it wouldn't be such a good idea. Maybe a better option is to display the original text inside the box, on top of the translation! Also, maybe you can use the 'secret' Firefox translator: enter "about:translations" in the adress bar and hit Enter.