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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

Could we please have an action in the context menu of calendar entries which is effectively a shortcut to move the end time of a meeting to the current time?

The option should probably always appear, but be grayed out by default. It should only be enabled/clickable in the case that:

  • the start date of the calendar entry is in the past.
  • the user has write-access to the calendar entry.

This means the button can be used to:

  • It'll be enabled for current events that are ongoing as far as Thunderbird is concerned. It will move the end time of the event to the current time, ending the meeting early and opening up the time slot. (My use case.)
  • It'll be enabled for past events that have already finished, and it will move the end time of the event to the current time, extending the meeting. (To track overrun meetings.)

This isn't a major time saver, but just a minor affordance that makes it more convenient to open up booked time slots if the meeting finished quicker than expected.

I wanted to open a PR, but I had trouble understanding how to contribute to the Thunderbird repos tbh. ๐Ÿค”

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Status changed to: New idea
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