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Status: New idea
  • FirefoxAndroid should get MATERIAL YOU colour theme based on wallpaper or website for Android 12,13.. plus it needs "material You" icon.
Status changed to: New idea
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Familiar face

Definitely agree! I donโ€™t know how easy it is to implement Material You into apps, but I love the look. This may feed into a conversation that was being discussed last year by @darcese about theming and colorways. I think by adopting Material You, Firefox is seen to be keeping up to date with developments, adapting to new technology and, most importantly staying fresh.  Once you get used to curved, translucent apps, everything seems old, even when Firefox is actually kept up to date on a regular cadence.

The icon is a no brainier, no one wants a mismatched icon when all the others are themed. I think the Firefox Nightly app does this, Iโ€™ve got it on a Samsung Flip but Iโ€™m not sure if this is a Material You thing or just a Samsung OneUI thatโ€™s doing its own thing and it feels like the latter.

Making moves

It is already in development. Currently available on Nightly and Beta. Should arrive in release Firefox too soon enough.

New member

@pjolt@@@s1fly  guys we got it

Familiar face

NIce work @Ign_aura !

Making moves

@Ign_aurajust the material icon, but not the material you in-app theme you mentioned. (this one is N/A sadly) Bugzilla Thread

so no, we still need to give kudos to ppl who suggesting "material you" like you! t'll we really "did" it ๐Ÿ™‚

New member

@gltchsure dude, we'll do it.๐Ÿชท

New member

@gltchsure dude I'll do it, hopefully we'll get Material You soon

New member

still no further infos on this, oof. material you is keeping me on chromium bases so far

Strollin' around

Don't see updates on it, still really hoping to see it

Strollin' around

Still not here in 2024. Makes things look very inconsistent with the rest of the system. Which may or may not be what y'all want at Mozilla. If it's not then a "were not going to do this" would be appreciated instead of just keeping it up in the air

New member

Still not there! End of 2024 almost 2025

Making moves

Neither FF mobile nor desktop looks immersive into the system due to the fact that they don't apply the system design language. Say, Material You on Android and Mica on Windows. I really hope that this feature could be realized, so that FF mobile will look more visually modern and pleasing.