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New member
Status: New idea

The idea came into my mind when I felt the need of it.

Idea is:

1. When the password protected window goes out of focus and / or minimized when it regains focus it requires password to show the private window.

2. Thumbnail of the "Private window" shouldn't be visible when hovered on the taskbar icon of Firefox, it should show a blank tab.

3. This password protection feature can be turned on and off in the settings, which requires a password.


Status changed to: New idea
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New member

FireFox Private Browser - should have a password that can be used to access the private browser

The firefox private browser should have a password that can be used to access the private browser my kids an alpt of other people's kids I know are using this private browser to look at things they shouldn't be so I think that we should have the option to put a password on it

Status changed to: New idea
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Community Manager
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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)