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Status: New idea


Ancient Firefox user who went Chrome for a long time and have returned as of yesterday. Happy to be back, but routinely frustrated that textbox shortcuts like ctrl-b and ctrl-i on certain (but not all!) websites, per Firefox programming, triggers the bookmark sidebar / page info (respectively). In decades of computer use, these shortcuts have always always always meant applying bold and italic to highlighted text, making Firefox's functionality completely counterintuitive. I can honestly say I have never once used these shortcuts to intentionally pull up bookmarks or page info.

Having had a look around online it seems that the only ways to turn off these Firefox functions are either writing some javascript personally, or installing an extension which is not supported by Mozilla. As neither of these are especially palatable choices, and the existing regime is in defiance of 40ish years of keyboard convention, I'd like to propose the simplest of solutions: an option in Firefox's settings to turn off keyboard shortcuts.

That way, folks have the choice. If, like me, you find the defiance of keyboard convention frustrating, you'll have an option to turn it off. Or alternatively, if you like Firefox's keyboard functions as-is, you don't have to do anything at all, and things stay the same. Everybody wins.

Making moves

agreed! need to be able to disable / fully customize the keyboard shortcuts

Making moves

It finally should become a standard to keep any shortcuts open from configuration.

Firefox is near to being unusable for me, because now I need a dozen times per minute a mouse klick. Because of Ctrl-i, Ctrl-b and lots others are catched by Firefox.

Jscher2000 writes above:

Up-to-date sites should know how to prevent Firefox from receiving Ctrl+b and Ctrl+i. Sites that have not been updated for a long time might have older code that doesn't do it effectively

That may be right. But I don't have the choice for any website I'm using. And also: why adding yet further JavaScript just to adapt a site's behaviour to each singe browser version? I'm a purist, and from my very personal view JavaScript should only be used if actually there's need and no way to implement that by pure CSS/XHTML.