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Status: New idea

Please, please allow us to place the tabs at the bottom

Making moves

IMHO the perfect layout is (vertically speaking):


Title bar (let the OS draw this e.g. obeying users ability to choose Windows accent colour)

Menu bar (except on Mac where menu bars live at the top of the screen)

Navigation bar (with dedicated search box by default, and no hamburger menu - traditional menus are a more efficient use of space)

Bookmarks bar (user selectable, maybe have option to show only when user has added bookmarks to it)

Tab bar (looking like tabs, not buttons, clear dividers between inactive tabs so they don't look like "one thing")

Content area (let OS draw scroll bar elements or at least use OS supplied UI elements)


I switch between tabs A LOT, much more than using any other UI element, and my mouse pointer is often within the content area so having tabs at the "bottom of the toolbar stack" (as they were when they first appeared) would be a huge benefit for usability.

New member

Option of putting the tabs BELOW the address bar

I have had problems with the latest version of Safari on my Mac and am looking for another browser. Firefox seems like the best choice so far but it has one feature I cannot get used to and may ultimately prevent me from using it. That feature is the position of the tabs at the top, above the website address. Please give us the option of putting the tabs where they belong, BELOW the URL address bar and directly above the webpages.

New member

It seems that Firefox can do anything except fix the position of the tabs!!!  UserChrome has stopped working with many of the "recent" updates.


Come on guys!!!! Take care of this!!!!!!!


New member

As Roberto says "Please give us the option of putting the tabs where they belong, BELOW the URL address bar and directly above the webpages."

Indeed, I can do all I need with userChrome.css (just some style changes to suit my taste) EXCEPT put the tab bar where it belongs. I use Waterfox for that reason alone, but would switch to FF if the tab bar could be moved.

Title bar > Menu > Nav bar > Bookmarks > Tabs > Content > Status bar (from top to bottom)

Please, please, please!


New member

Why can't you make the tabs below the search/address bar?
I keep clicking because of your inability.

So get that running in the new update.

Making moves

Every update Mozilla likes to break the custom css I had to put tabs back on the bottom. I've gotten so annoyed I stopped updating my firefox.

New member

Wann endlich kรถnnen auf einfache Weise die Tabs unter die Befehlszeile gesetzt werden???

When will it be possible to easily set tabs under the command line???




Making moves


i too want the tabs on the bottom of the screen, just above the taskbar.

there used to be an addon"Tabmix Plus" that could do that as well as other changes.

i am running ff 94.0 and have disabled updates and update notifications because i am afraid they would

break my userchrome script that put the tabs on the bottom.


tabs on the bottom is intuitively a better location than the top of the screen.

wish there was an addon that could do that for ff 99+

New member

Please make an option in settings to put tabs below the address bar

New member

Please let the users decide if they want the tabs above or below the address bar.
Especially in MacOS it just looks so much better to have them underneath.

New member

Please make tabs on bottom the default. Or at least make it an option in the settings menu


New member

Will there ever be a fix to allow Users to place Tabs Below Bookmarks Tool Bar ?

New member

da kommt nix - das geht MOZILLA am Arsch vorbei ๐Ÿค‘

New member

Search bar and tabs on the bottom of the firefox windows

In a similar way to what happens to the Firefox android version, it suggest to implement the possibility to put the serch bar and the tags too at the bottom of the program window (just on top of the applications bar).

You may say that three bars one on top of the other could be too much. But many users, me included, use the application bar on the left, on the right or on top too! And now in Windows is just as easy as a click with the mouse to move the application bar.

Putting the search bar and tabs on the bottom of the firefox windows, leaving the top of the windows free at the edge of the screen, is particularly useful on laptops, where the screen, due to the nature of the device, is too low and cannot be adjusted (as it happens in a desktop configuration instead). Eyes and neck will naturally rise and get a better ergonomic position.

It would be one of the most important steps forward for mozilla Firefox towards the ergonomics, a field that is way way underestimated by most of the competitors.

It also would be a common feature that will distinguish both the android and the Windows version of the browser.

You won't regret it. Thank you for your attention.
