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Strollin' around
Status: In review

The latest controversial proton redesign added new two lines tabs, however it haven't been put to great use.

I think we can do better and at the same time bring back the compact mode by merging the search bar and the tab bar.


While we put the url directly into the tabs, other icons could go in the tool bar, making a better use of the window surface.


The url is a clickable text area


and expands to show the full search bar when we start typing.




To elaborate a bit more on my original idea

  • We could put the hamburger button on the left because it looks a bit weird next to the reduce button (at least on windows)
  • The same way the download icon is hidden unless we're downloading we could hide the back and forward buttons unless there's something in the history
  • The refresh and fav button could be on the tab (and visible only on hover maybe ?)
  • The many icons that can appear on the left of the address bar could be fused all together in one single tabbed panel. The displayed icon would change based on priority :
    Sans titre.png
    (btw the Extension label could be removed and only show the extension name)

Which gives an even slicker look :




With larger active tab and refresh/fav icons.

With many tabs it could look like this :


I also added the sound indicator icon instead of the "Playing" text (this icon is already used on pinned tabs).

And since the Lock icon is not always visible with my unique icon idea I talked earlier I though we could color code the domain, green = secured, red = not secured. ๐Ÿค”

New member

I kinda dig the compact tab design Safari has on Apple products, and was wondering if such a variant could exist here too. Of course I know not everyone's gonna love it, so that's why it can be an option.Safari's color tab bar restricted to 'Compact' view in macOS Monterey,  iPadOS 15.1 | AppleInsider

Not applicable

Hi all! @batata @TotemKommo-o @jimjams91 @Jon @steel835 I created a screen prototype, hope it helps


Status changed to: In review
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with another exciting updateโ€ฆ

This idea has been upgraded to "In review" which means it will be brought to our internal teams for reviewโ€”learn more about The Idea Journey. As soon as we have another update on its status, weโ€™ll let you know right here in the comment section.

Stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team

Familiar face

I've got to use Safari with this compact mode and can say that what I don't like about the Safari implementation - is that when you actually click at the addressbar (which is the current tab) - it doesn't expand. You have to edit the long address in this small 1:10 input area. That is so uncomfortable that I turned this new experience off. Safari allows you to edit search query though (which is kinda useless without search engine picker and a way to edit the actual address without going to preferences)


I wonder why compact density for toolbar was removed, I still have it on a laptop but now on any new installation it's not available anymore, why? Was it giving issues? It was nice to shrink it to extend pages size. This was helpful to who can't reduce text or other elements on Windows settings.


@Luca_Pavan wrote:

I wonder why compact density for toolbar was removed, I still have it on a laptop but now on any new installation it's not available anymore, why?

I'm not sure why it was hidden in the last major redesign. You still can use it, but it is harder to find. Please refer to the following support article:


I think that compact option was cool, and I wonder why it was removed, I know no valid reason. Perhaps to give more space to webpages content you can do 4 things:

- decrease text and other elements size on system options

- decrease Firefox zoom and characters size

- set the maximum supported screen resolution

- go fullscreen, faster by placing View window to fullscreen button to top left corner instead of searching for f11 to press

All 4 together increase content number in whole screen, but please before editing those settings remember them or, for safeness, note them down somewhere, on Sticky Notes, on a simple text file or anyway where you prefer.


I did it, accurate description on the guide for steps to activate it, unusual way to set something but then really works, thanks ๐Ÿ˜„.

Not applicable




Strollin' around

Firefox's tab bar takes up a ton of space. In Chrome, Brave and Safari I can easily have 30 tabs visible at once, but with Firefox I can only get to around 15 tabs before the tabs start scrolling, and it becomes harder to get to the tab I want (and that's even after I've changed browser.tabs.tabMinWidth in about:config).

I'd love to switch to Firefox as my main browser, but not sure I'd be able to with the current behavior

Some tabs open in Safari vs Brave vs Firefox:โ€ƒ

Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 6.25.05 AM.png

Making moves

Combine the tab title bar and toolbar(web address bar) into one bar to maximize the view area.

Just like safari in MacOS, the web address bar can be in the same bar with the tab title.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Not applicable

There should be an awareness that the display area is a resource and should not be wasted.

Making moves

Someone mentioned combining the tab bar with the address bar - IE actually tried this in IE10 back in 2013 - I even found a review about it!


"Since IE crams everything on one rowโ€”the address/search box, tabs, and controlsโ€”tabs can get mighty narrow. But there's some help for that: You can place IE's tabs on their own rowโ€”separate from the search boxโ€”if you find you're opening too many to fit, and arrows appear on either side of the tab bar if you open too many tabs to display in the allotted space."

For me though, give me vertical tabs (and hide the top tab strip) and the vertical space issue disappears, literally ๐Ÿ˜€

Not applicable

I fear that due to Firefox's declining market share, Mozilla will become conservative in its design to keep current users. For example, they are dragging the old UI, such as still using pop-ups.