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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

Strollin' around

Lack of tab organization for mobile is what keeps me from jumping ship to firefox. I hord too many tabs and consistently have 100+ tabs open and navigation would be hell. Pls include something like what Google has where you group tabs and can click to expand that group. Picture of Google tab groups for mobile 

New member

This lack of native tab groups is the only remaining feature missing from FF that prevents me from making FF my primary browser.

Without this feature, my workflow is awkwardly split between chromium and FF.

Making moves

Just found myself looking into what Chrome has for tabs grouping and was astonished there is no such a feature in FF 😲 Pretty please improve FF UI.

New member

Seems very odd to me that this hasn't already been implemented.

Is there are reason it is not being developed?


Making moves

@Merlin88the funny part is that it WAS developed but that they weren't tracking enough users actually using it so they pulled the feature, like they have several other features over the years.

New member

@Merlin88 they are too busy working on AI that no one asked for clearly 

New member

After being a very long time Firefox user, I just downloaded Brave the other day for tab grouping in my main browser. I'll still keep Firefox installed as it comes in handy for occasional site debugging or replicating user issues, but for my main browsing, I think it's done.

New member

@eidylon just did the same with Brave… which is pity as I need extensions and so connection with Google Chrome Store

New member

@juboxI've had no issue installing extensions and themes from the Chrome store in Brave. Not with any I've needed yet.

Making moves

It would be really nice if they (a Mozilla mail service) could announce the implementation of some long-awaited features. 

Well, maybe some old users would return

New member

improve tabs bar

please improve group tabs like chrome or better

New member

@eidylon I didn’t have any issue to install either. Just that I wanted to use Firefox to get out of Google services and I need to connect to Chrome for a few extensions with Brave. Not ideal in terms of privacy focus

Making moves
@JonCan you share us about Mozilla team oppinion about Tab Group ?
Strollin' around

@fraggedy_andyThey probably weren't tracking users using it because other browsers have been doing it better and pulled users who want it out of Firefox's user base.

I know for myself, I've been a Vivaldi user for about 7 years because of this feature (and a lot of others). Being able to seamlessly drag and drop tabs into groups, having a context menu to automatically group by host or break up a tab group when I want to, all because tab groups are a first-class element of the UI... IMO it's the standard that even Chrome has yet to meet with its own implementation of the concept.

I've gone through several of the tab group extensions already (Simple Tab Groups is probably the absolute worst, and doesn't live up to its name), and all of them are very clunky and overly elaborate in their execution, being either difficult to use or using too much screen real estate for a feature where the entire point is to not do that.

Making moves

@DissidentActually, Firefox was tracking users through built-in telemetry, which I'm sure you know is on by default ( I remember the news stories in 2015, when the feature was pulled (