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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

Making moves

When I working in a few project at Firefox, I am opening new windows for per project or sort tabs by

project in a window.

Lets improve UX.



Strollin' around

  If this were a feature I might come back from tree style tab

Strollin' around

These two videos demonstrate Firefox Panorama:


Firefox Panorama used to be a native feature of Firefox which Mozilla discontinued. Later on the torch was passed to an add-on called Tab Groups by QuickSaver, this is a link to the project:

Screenshots from Tab Groups by QuickSaver:


For more screenshots visit this page:


Tab Groups by QuickSaver was what Firefox Panorama was and more, it had more features, and that is what I hope Mozilla implement again with one more thing which I will explain later on at the end

And, I am aware of Simple Tab Groups

But, with Simple Tab groups I lost tabs, I lost order of tabs, and I lost groups. It is just not stable, and I do get notified when every update is released and I do test them ASAP. some issues are not solvable because of Webextension limitation. Hence, this should be native.

It also doesn't have what Tab groups used to have, which is a good intuitive interface where you can swiftly rearrange/move tabs and view all your tabs-group in one window.


Now about, the one more thing! Right now Google Chrome has some sort of tab grouping feature which soon Safari will also have. 

A video demonstrating how to use Google Chrome Tab Groups:


I think this way of grouping tabs should be also implemented in Firefox along with the old way of grouping tabs.

Hereafter, I will refer to the old style of tab grouping: Old-tab-Group; and the Google Chrome style, Chrome-Tab-group.

For example, I could have an Old-tab-Group for shopping which is called Shopping, and inside Shopping I could have several Chrome-Tab-groups, each for different item I am researching to buy. For example, I would have inside Shopping a Chrome-Tab-group called Lunchbox  and another called Cellphone.

I go back and forth for this kind of internet browsing habit because I might have 30 minute a day to read reviews about cellphones and understand what the spec means etc. This will help me postpone my Shopping research to continue later on, and go back to another Old-Tab-Group which is called Schooling where I have several Chrome-tab-groups each for different subject I am studying.

Lastly, I think the Old-Tab-Groups, should be called tab-workspace, and  call Chrome-Tab-Group  just tab-group

Thank you Mozilla for Firefox and Thunderbird which I use to backup my email, and thank YOU for reading this long feedback.

Strollin' around

Have you tried Simple Tab Groups? 

You can categorize tabs into multiple groups (such as shopping, working, banking...), hide them all, and only show the current group's tabs. 

I feel it's much stronger than any other browser (for many years), and Safari just copied the feature.

Familiar face

I'm a bigger fan of the Tiled Tab Groups extension myself, but as was already stated there are plenty of extensions for Firefox Desktop that provide (IMO) a better Tab Grouping experience than any other Chromium Browser (except maybe Vivaldi's Tab Stacks).

On Mobile, on the other hand, a native Tab Grouping feature would be welcome, and could hypothetically be ported to Desktop as well.

Making moves

Agreed, I miss tab groups.

Strollin' around

Tab grouping is a must and it is very good at chrome.

New member

Survey pollfish only in Arabic not in other language ? i couldn't change language,could you someone help me??

Strollin' around


I would really like a native integration of the horizontal tabs grouping. 😍
All extensions have problems, especially those with verticals that cause content masking problems on some sites!

Strollin' around

100%. Chrome does this better. We need the tab groups native in Firefox

Strollin' around

I think tab grouping is not necessary as there is a multi-windows support in Firefox desktop. Google Chrome supports both tab groups and rename window, make a duplicate in functions.

Making moves

We can see tabs when hover mouse to the tab groups for protect minimalism, and we can give a name to groups for better UX.

Making moves

honestly I find Chrome-ish tab grouping very inconvenient to use. I wish they brought something like they had in older Firefox versions, Simple Tab Groups is a great example for what they should add.

Status changed to: Trending idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all, 

Here with an exciting update…

Your idea has quickly received a great deal of votes (kudos) and support here in the Mozilla Connect community, so we are upgrading the status to “Trending idea.” This means it’s now one step closer to reaching our internal teams for review—learn more about The Idea Journey

Please keep the conversation going and stay tuned for updates 😃

-The Community Team

Strollin' around

The main reason why I need Chrome for Work and also almost switched over in my private use is simply the grouping.

Its so much more convenient for me to group a lot of tabs into the groups which they belong to and being able to switch between them seeminglessly.

All the current extensions work over an extra side or top bar, or extra drop down menu and so on and so on, which in my experience is super iratating when switching between different tasks quickly.

So something in that direction would basically take the one of the last 2 points chrome has going for it for me.

Which is the amount of extensions/addons and Nativ Tab Bar Grouping