Please consider providing a palette of choices (in addition to yellow). l find it frustrating that I cannot tag my messages as being Urgent, Family, Financial, Long-Neglected Friend, etc.
@staroption: Please, specify the product for which you're submitting an idea 🙂.
@Jon: (This is a TOTALLYunrelated side-note, about this webpage interface, to be forwarded as appropriate since I have no clue where it *ought* to be sent: As I write this comment in the InputBox, if in the note to staroption, I select the space before the 🙂 -- which was added using the toolbar above the InputBox rather than any other way, in case that makes a difference -- it cannot be deleted with the Delete or Backspace keys. If I select it along with any other characters, the same keys also do not delete anything. Nor can a selection that includes it be replaced with typing. A selection that includes it CAN be replaced by pasting from the clipboard. However, when I copied a space character from this part of the comment and pasted it over that space, the new space behaved the same way. It doesn't seem to be a special character. The space before the emoji in this part of the comment also behaves the same way. To complete analysis and testing, using the windows key-plus-period emoji chooser dialog to put this 🙂 here, the space before that emoji does not behave the same way. ... If you'd pass that along to the correct people, that would be great. It's mostly curious, but a little obstructive. Thanks for all you, and all you guys, do!)