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New member
Status: New idea

find common files used by both: firefox browser and thunderbird.

if both of them use same code, why space should be wasted by installing both browser and email?

if possible, make browser, email, etc.. as addons which can be disabled, enabled, install, uninstall.

i did ask same thing on discourse:

Status changed to: New idea
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Not applicable

๐Ÿ˜‰ also take a look at the history of firefox.

New member

@Anonymous yes. i knew its existence and in fact used it for couple of years.

as far as i know, its all in one app. i was intereseted only in newsgroup and irc.

it would be great if we can ondemand install or uninstall email, newsgroup, irc. thats my point.

Making moves

Well Firefox and Thunderbird shares a lot of code... like Gecko, UI and WebExtension stuff infact as you can see since various version now have the same versioning of Firefox to keep up with the changes so I don't understand this ideas.

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Sorry, but I think we can safely say this isn't going to happen.  It was an idea that had merit 15-20 years ago, but Thunderbird and Firefox development and release timing have greatly diverged to make this impossible. Plus the question of whether it is even technically feasible and desirable - if there were significant savings in memory and disk, which there isn't.

New member

@Anonymous @Mte90 @wsmwk @โ€Žpaulocarlosjos

how do i explain:

core + browser + email

example core components: internet

both browser and email must utilise internet to access webpages, emails, etc.. however, browser and email can also used for reading saved webpages and important or not so important emails.

"google search fixer" webxtension MUST require internet to work correctly. "google search fixer" devs did not added code about HOW to use internet on the device. rather it "merely" uses "internet component" of core. core contains all the code including how to allow or disallow or rules for browser, email.

questions (a lot):

* why waste bandwith for downloading both browser and email?

* why waste bandwith for downloading same webxtension that can be used for both browser and email?

* why waste RAM for using both browser and email seperately?

* why waste disk space for both browser and email?


possibilities (endless?):

* perhaps webxtension which measures data usage for both browser and email seperately?

* add VPN or password manager?


why, again why?

if we are able to add some extra functionality even today in space (anyone, international space station).

why mozilla products should not be lean and intelligent on every aspect (RAM, disk space usage, portability, etc.)?

New member

@Anonymous @Mte90 @wsmwk @โ€Žpaulocarlosjos


how do i explain:


core + browser + email


example core components: internet


both browser and email must utilise internet to access webpages, emails, etc.. however, browser and email can also used for reading saved webpages and important or not so important emails.


"google search fixer" webxtension MUST require internet to work correctly. "google search fixer" devs did not added code about HOW to use internet on the device. rather it "merely" uses "internet component" of core. core contains all the code including how to allow or disallow or rules for browser, email.


questions (a lot):

* why waste bandwith for downloading both browser and email?

* why waste bandwith for downloading same webxtension that can be used for both browser and email?

* why waste RAM for using both browser and email seperately?

* why waste disk space for both browser and email?


possibilities (endless?):

* perhaps webxtension which measures data usage for both browser and email seperately?

* add VPN or password manager?


why, again why?

if we are able to add some extra functionality even today in space (anyone, international space station).

why mozilla products should not be lean and intelligent on every aspect (RAM, disk space usage, portability, etc.)?

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

We understand your explanation.

A long list of technical merit cannot outweigh the following: Thunderbird and Firefox have two different funding sources, two different strategies and goals, two diffferent development teams, two different companies, two different product markets in which they must compete.  In other words, what you are asking for is not possible.