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Status: New idea


This is certainly going to get a ton of enthusiastic responses ๐Ÿ˜Š but please hear me out...

I read that Google might not be allowed to keep paying Mozilla for making their search default on Firefox (

Why not make Firefox subscription-based? I for one would be willing to pay 10 euros a month for a good, privacy-respecting, open-source browser, and I don't think I would be the only one.

Mozilla could finally be able to dump Google, whose association with Mozilla many of us have watched with distaste, and could concentrate on making a proper browser. (And, if I'm allowed to make requests, a suite of privacy-respecting products: e-mail, storage, calendars etc.)

If this would happen it would certainly create howls of anger and accusations of betraying the ideals of open source, but I would much rather pay for Firefox than have Google have anything to say how Mozilla conducts itself. Just an idea...

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

They already have thunderbird for email, vpn, relay, monitor as part of their suite.

Making moves

Not everyone willing to pay for something that available for free, it would speed up extinction of Firefox