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New member
Status: In development

In Chrome, detaching a tab is a smooth animation. The new window made from detaching the tab is clear, and your mouse never "drops" the tab if that makes sense. In Firefox, the experience is more jarring. If this tab detach experience was smoother I'd be using FF instead of Chrome for the majority of my browsing. 

Please see screen recording for what I mean:

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Hi chailandau,

We recently made an improvement to Firefox's tab-tear-out experience on macOS. See this bug for the details. That improvement is scheduled to ship in Firefox 111, which is currently in Beta, and slated to release to the general public in mid-March.



Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with some good news...

This is currently being worked on so we are upgrading the status to "In development"โ€”feel free to check out @mconley's post in this thread for more info and stay tuned for updates ๐Ÿ˜€


New member

Perfect, thanks so much!

Making moves

Smoothing and animations can be a problem for low end devices. Even smooth scrolling can be hard for an old PC. Hope they can be careful in the development of this feature.

New member

Make tab dragging more smooth

When I try to drag it further, it just teleports after a smell delay. If I want to swap it with near standing tab, it just moves so laggy. I want to see a tab smoothly following my mouse, that will have much impact on user experience.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

I want this feature too, even if it tricks user to think that Firefox is snappy, because I'm saying this as I've experienced a lot of Chrome users telling me Chrome being snappy for having such feature, this is Chrome:


And this is Firefox:

Strollin' around

I accidentally sometimes move tab out of the window, creating a separate window for that tab. Then to get back tab in the window, I have to move it all they way to taskbar on Firefox icon, and then again to the top of the screen where tab bar is.

It's so annoying that in 2024 Firefox still has terrible tab management. I wish Mozilla's team would do something about this. ๐Ÿ™„

Making moves

That we should get a Chrome Like tearing a as it is a lot smoother  mention by @OutlawHusbando.


That this has stop many people from using firefox beucase the chrome way is just more natural. that it would be great to improve this. 
