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New member
Status: New idea

Google Chrome and Safari browser have live captioning feature to enable deaf and hard of hearing people like myself to follow the dialogues on the video. Live Captioning will caption the video automatically if the audio of any voice is detected just like dragon speaking software. Firefox should include that feature to increase availability of the accessibility features packed in the browser.

New member

Glad that Windows 11 has a built-in option, but I can't upgrade to that yet. Chrome's Live Captions is the only thing keeping me on Chrome, it's a lifesaver, but once Firefox adds it, I'll be coming back to it, so I hope they add it as soon as possible for accessibility's sake.

New member

Please add this!!

Strollin' around

Please add this feature, Mozilla, it would be very beneficial for people with hearing and listening disabilities!

New member

pls add ๐Ÿ˜ž am half deaf


New member

Just adding my 2c that it would be wonderfull to have live caption on firefox. Most videos have subtitles at least but for example if a video just got uploaded sometimes subtitles wont work, its nitpicking but another point to consider with related instances

New member

Brilliant idea IMO

New member

This must be done yesterday! And there should be support for more languages apart from English, French or Italian language..! There are other languages that need to be implemented, like Greek for example ๐Ÿ˜Ž.
However, Mozilla is not a profit-driven organism, so it needs our support too. I have donated an amount, because it stood out for me for so long. So I had to give something back. We all should, if we would like such a project to begin.

New member

C'mon Mozilla. This is just embarrassing. Please prioritize this. You're literally driving users to your competitors.

New member

I desperately need this and I know many people do... unfortunately with big media channels on sites like YT channels disabling auto-captioning it has ruined my ability to view that content. Mozilla, this is REALLY important; making your browser more accessible to those with disabilities. It's an incredibly useful feature that people that aren't hard of hearing don't understand.

New member

Live captioning is so important!  Some of us on Discord need to find ways to caption the live chats and if we access through a browser, having browser captions is the only way to do it since Discord has no captioning option.  PLEASE implement this feature!!!

New member

Chiming in as a Firefox user with progressive hearing lossโ€”being able to watch video (or listen to audio) from any website would be a QoL game-changer for me. As it is, whenever I need to do that, I switch to Chrome. It would mean a lot for this to be prioritized.

New member

Please add this feature. Apple's Live Captions on iPhone and Mac are awful and the Chrome captions are so much better than the built-in operating system captions on Mac. I believe this is due to lack of cloud processing for captioning for Apple and thus they rely only on on-the-device captions and have a very limited vocabulary. Hence, Google Chrome, their phones, and YouTube if auto-captions are enabled (depends on the creation though) are markedly better in terms of Live Captions.

There isn't a free captioning solution to replace the abysmal captions when using Firefox, so please add the capability.


Making moves

please add this would be a winning feature

New member

Please add this. It's really unfortunate that it's not supported in 2024 ๐Ÿ˜ž

There's not even a store addon for it.

New member

Please add this. It's the only thing left that I have to use Chrome for. ๐Ÿ˜ž