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New member
Status: New idea

We should be able to automatically delete ALL web content using the Firefox browser on IOS. I should or anyone should not have to go to Data management, delete that and then move forward to advance the deletion of cookies.  This does not promote transparency or privacy and is really against what Mozilla initially offered. Safari as much as it sucks finally implemented this feature that takes care of both in one click.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Making moves

Not only on iOS but also on PC, it has the same behavior of not deleting everything when closing the browser

New member

Great idea!

New member

Great idea. Came here to post the same thing and totally agree. DuckDuckGo browser offers this option by default. FF needs to step up their game.

New member

Had the same proposal. Automatic deletion of all cookies (and whatever one includes in corresponding options) when closing the Firefox "window" on iOS devices would be highly appreciated. Therefore "+1" from my side. Otherwise Firefox continues to be a cool browser and overall environment. Keep going!

New member

I second this! Auto delete on close for IOS PLEASE!