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Making moves
Status: New idea

Whenever a URL is copied from the URL bar and pasted into Microsoft Teams chat, it shows the complete URL instead of a hyperlink with the title of the site with the URL embedded.
I tried with Edge the behavior is as desired i.e "a hyperlink with the title of the site with the URL embedded".
Please include the feature of copying the URL and providing a hyperlink with the title of the site with the URL embedded.

P.S:- Dragging the URL and dropping into Microsoft Teams chat does work as expected in Firefox i.e "a hyperlink with the title of the site with the URL embedded".




Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Thank you!
It would be great to have it natively as other browsers.

Not applicable


Other users might prefer the current way things work ... i personally am just happy to have options.


I put together a web extension called "Flink":

This provides a button in the address bar which copies the URL to the clipboard. If you right click on the button, you see additional options for copying formatted HTML links using the page title, selected text, or site-contextual formatting. Let me know what you think!

-David Rubino, Firefox Product Manager (and occasional web extension developer)

Making moves

Flink is pretty cool ๐Ÿ™‚

Is there any way to increase or remove the 60 (I think?) character limit on page titles and selected text?

Also, another possible good option would be to allow copying of both page title AND selected text, perhaps with a divider betwen them, eg whatever this character is called: |

And to get really ambitious, how about some sort of user-customisable formatting creator so people can make their own preferred arrangements - off the top of my head, someone could set up a template which grabs the title and URL and, using some form of concatenation, generates HTML hyperlink code. Or, more simply, someone could specify that they want page title first, then a dash or a colon and then the URL.

I'm not technical enough to know how to do that or whether it's even possible, but it seems like it might be.

Anyway thanks, Flink is useful already, looking forward to seeing it develop!