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Making moves
Status: New idea

PIP in Firefox is awesome. One reason why I switched to Firefox. I also like to double click on it for fullscreen. In this mode, the UI disapears in a few seconds. Great. But could we also hide the cursor with the UI? Just like the native fullscreen (not PIP). Btw. I'm currently on Mac. But I would do this for Windows and Linux too.

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Hide the cursor when playing picture-in-picture

With picture-in-picture I mean when you're playing a video and you click the button to make the player a floating window. I think it would be good to make it more similar to other players regarding this functionality. Simply hide the cursor when a few seconds have passed since it was last moved.


Status changed to: New idea
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Similar idea here: Hide cursor on PIP fullscreen 

@Nacho_rodpe if that aligns with your idea, we can merge the two threads together (and combine the votes/kudos) so the conversation stays focused in one space. Just let me know ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

New member

@Jonyeah we can merge threads. I don't know how to do it though, could you do it for me? Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜„

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(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

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@Nacho_rodpe yea no problem at all! Thanks for confirming.

Making moves

I would not hide the mouse cursor if the PIP is not in fullscreen. The current behavior is:

PIP not in fullscreen:
The UI and cursor are always visible if the mouse is on PIP window. The UI disappears when the mouse is moved out of the PIP window. This is ok for me. But we could also make UI and cursor disappears after certain time when the mouse is on the PIP window. But it must be 100% safe and stable. I don't want cases of unwanted hidden cursor. For me the fullscreen is most important for this issue. Other is optional.

PIP in fullscreen:
The UI disappears after a few seconds. The cursor stays visible. This idea ticket is about hiding the cursor with the UI and show again on move or fullscreen leave. Just like in the native player (html video). This could be also reported as bug instead of idea. I think this should be considered to implement without waiting for kudos (idk what this really mean and how much we need). Because it's a basic and expected behavior.

New member

@domskeI absolutely agree with this. This is exactly how it should behave. Sometimes a site has a bad custom player, and I play it with PIP, so it would be good for it to have this behavior.

New member

@Jon I thought this issue was just on my end until I googled this! Oh my god please fix this as soon as possible! This is not a "feature request", it's a bug or at least it shouldn't be behaving this way. The mouse pointer is so annoying when you have to worry about moving and hiding it in corners and such all the time. I don't understand why you're waiting for votes when im sure you can correct this in seconds?

I was never a Firefox user but I came to the conclusion that it is much, MUCH more superior than the top browsers out there when it comes to watching any kind of video. I went to almost never using FF to relying on it the entire day for the past 2 years or so. I have 2 screens connected to my PC and I stream a lot of live sports, and the built-in features here in FF are by far the best. Some websites are so bad that I started watching pretty much everything in PiP mode instead of using their shirty players.

Here's why FF is the best at this (in case whoever is reading this doesn't know):

  • It allows you to have multi-PiP windows (unlimited! other browsers can only do 1 unless you download shady extensions).
  • Ability to go fullscreen PiP by just double clicking it (some stupid website players don't even support this lol).
  • You can resize the PiP window to any size you want according to your needs and without limitations (some browsers take "PiP" literally and force you to a very small size, rendering it useless).
  • It has a very nice and easy video player controls where it allows you to go back/forward with the left/right arrow keys, and control the sound level with up/down arrow keys, and also the back/forward for the videos is a perfect 5 seconds which I prefer instead of the usual long 10-15 seconds in most players.
  • Some stupid players don't allow or give you buttons to go back/forward with some live events, but PiP allows me to do just that (with limitations of course, sometime even just 5-15 seconds can be more than enough to replay a goal or something).
  • Jump to live by hitting END on your keyboard (you will use this PLENTY since now you have the ability to reverse/skip ahead in the live video).
  • Ability to organize and snap your PiP windows to corners by dragging it with your mouse while holding CTRL.
  • Opening a PiP mode with 4 different ways: Keyboard shortcut (ctrl+shift+]), right clicking the video then PiP, clicking the little PiP button next to the URL, and finally you can enable to have the PiP button appear inside the video when it plays (I use this one all the time).
  • Sometimes the PiP mode isn't favorable because of the "always in front/on top" window. In this case you can solve being forced to watch an embedded video/stream that is placed in an annoying all-white background or in a small player, to launching the video link in it's own separate full page (this is almost impossible to do in most browsers, or it's not as easy). All you have to do is just right click the video > This Frame > Show only this frame. Tip: If the website is trying to be sneaky by not allowing you to right click, just use this magic trick by holding shift and right clicking, now it should work (this is not possible in all/most other browsers!).

Consider this as a quick little review if you will...but please let us hide the cursor and end our suffering.

Strollin' around

This feature would be really great. Please just do it! It's great to use the PIP in fullscreen. But the cursor is annoying and makes no sense in this case. The function already exist in e.g. regular (not PIP) videos. Why hesitate? I think this is one of the easiest features to implement. It can be opt-in via config, if you have any concerns. It should behave as if a video is in fullscreen. Hide the cursor with the UI when it is not moving. There are no open questions.