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Making moves
Status: New idea

Web-based IDEs like Arduino and Github Codespaces are now commonplace. They are hobbled in Firefox due to an inability to access development boards without installing extra system software, which rather defeats the purpose of having an IDE that runs in your browser. This is not the case on Chrome, where Web USB and Web Serial can be used. (Clarification: they *could* be used on Chrome, but often are not because developers don't want to maintain two separate codebases.)

I will preempt the response I have received every previous time I brought up this topic: Web USB and Web Serial present no more of a security risk than web camera or location data, and Firefox already has a permissions system to protect those. On the other hand, the software you have to install to make Arduino IDE work in Firefox starts a webserver that shares your serial port over a websocket, just so that your browser can connect to it. It isn't clear if there are any protections at all on that websocket.

I will also note than the current prevalence of web-based development environments is in part due to Mozilla's insistence that everything should be able to run in the browser, along with projects like Firefox OS.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tyeth sorry it seems that way, but merging duplicates helps keep the conversation focused in one space - and also helps our teams more easily track insights when reviewing the threads (votes and comments do go a long way in pushing work forward). This will stay open and has been shared with internal teams, so if there are any updates we will post here.

New member

Want to add my note here that support for WebSerial will help people build smart homes that care about their privacy. It does this, because it allows easy installation of open source firmware on devices and microcontroller development boards.

My name is Paulus Schoutsen, and I am the president of the Open Home Foundation. We created ESP Web Tools to allow anyone to leverage WebSerial to install open source firmware and use our open standard Improv Wi-Fi to get the device connected to the internet.

It makes installing and using open source firmware to build your own voice assistants, LED controllers etc extremely easy **if the user uses a Chromium based browser**. Many Firefox users, including myself, end up installing Chrome for this reason. For some users, that usage sticks.

Here are some cool things you can install through WebSerial. All things that work locally, and protect privacy.

Besides installing new things, it also allows users to easily install updates on devices or recover devices that have been bricked. 

Previously, all above use cases required something like Python to be installed – a bridge too far for many users. With WebSerial, all the user needs is a browser 💪

Strollin' around

I think we can properly gate this behind  a permission popup so that this is neither a security nor a fingerprint problem.

New member

Over the last few years I *very* rarely even touched Chrome. And then I used ESPHome and my kids got micro:bits... Hello WebSerial.

Please don't overprioritize AI-hype (or the advertising stuff) over actually useful features for your core audience. If Mozilla is losing (even more) power users who will be left to do the promotion of Firefox?

New member

Installing ESPHome firmware is one of the very few times I have to open Chrome as FireFox does not support WebSerial. It would be great if that could change! 🙂

New member

Please support webserial!

New member

The only two things I use chrome or chrome based web browsers for is work (due to having to) and using webserial.

Its just too convenient not to.

New member

If security is a concern, make this an optional developer feature behind some warning. Not everyone will understand the power and responsibility but for those of us that do we want to wield it for ourselves and wield it for good and wield it now.

New member

I've come here to add my support as a user of web serial on chrome but Firefox is my go to browser but I'm forced away from firefox when wanting use to web serial for ESPhome and others. Thanks

New member

webserial is so Important for easy Microcontroller flashing... i could do it without, but it's still easier - and many others are too stupid without webserial. and i think thats what technical progress should also be about: lowering the needed effort for complex things, so non technical people can also use it.

New member

Could we please have Web USB ?

More and more Gaming peripherals as well use it, and basically makes them cross platform, the only issue being, chromium browsers are the only option for that, i would love to be able to use Firefox to configure my peripherals so i can finally not depend fully on chrome anymore.

Recently the manufacturer of my Audio DAC released a new version that's fully programmable, and that one happens to be using Web Serial.

I think it's about time Firefox gets this feature.

Strollin' around

It has been a year since I wrote my post here and nothing was done.

I really don't know why this is such a bad idea to use `about:config` to enable webusb if it is such a huge security concern.

After all, majority of people using this feature are nerds. We have no problem to tweak the settings. But it is annoying to install Chrome for just one thing. It really is.


New member

+1 for this feature. I hate having to switch to Chrome or Edge just for that.

New member

Please add this feature.  I really dislike switching to chrome for _just this function_.

New member

Please add this feature.  I really dislike switching to chrome just to quickly flash devices.  It's one of the few reasons I'm forced to keep Chrome.