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Making moves
Status: New idea

I would like it if the TV version of Firefox was ported to LG WebOS, available to download from LG's software store, to use on my LG/WebOS Telly.

New member

Is it yet possible to get Firefox on an LG smart TV ?

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

I wonder if any community developer would accept a donation to create a version of Mozilla Firefox for LG Smart TV with WebOS system.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

It would be awesome to have firefox on a lg tv with webos.

New member

Please make it happen! Miss Firefox and VPN on my smarttv.

New member

This I always miss. Time to time just checking the LG store if my beloved Foxy daisy pops up there. It would be nice if she arrives there no later than on 20th FireFox anniversary.

I switched to FF around Christmas 2004 and despites strange looks around me I am still loyal!


And next Xmas maybe new OLED arrives, so this would be for me like Christmas and Easters in 1 day (born on Christmas eve on top of that).

WebOS is linux based - should not be mission impossible or re-inventing whole thing as it has similar roots as android.

Good luck if you decide to make it happen! There will be one more happy neerdo

New member

not a day too soon!

New member

Of course we need it here, olease notify if present ๐Ÿ’

New member

Hope to see firefox soon on lg tv

New member

Hope to see this happen: this will open a huge set of new possibilities, like replacing quite a few native app with more flexible in-brower mozilla versions...Given the amount of time I spend on LG smartapp to consume video content it would be a huge plus

New member

Please make it happen! Miss Firefox with addons 

New member

I am also very very interested. I wonder if that's possible though, because LG will not allow it officially I am sure - so you'd have to jailbreak your LG TV and install it via Homebrew channel if Firefox existed.

What I am wondering, is: what would it take to create a IPK file of Firefox?

New member

I'm interested too in this project. Please make it happen

New member

How to quickly get millions of new Firefox users?

I would like to remind you that from 7. March 2024 DMA (Regulation (EU) 2022/1925) applies in the EU ), which instructs large operators, among other things, to integrate other browsers into their systems and give users the choice they want to use.

Since webOS meets this in my opinion, so if you give LG a functional Firefox for webOS, then it must be included in the main menu for all devices with webOS in the EU.

And this dramatically changes the situation, because after the update (which they have to do in the EU), it gives users a choice โ€“ a built-in browser (not working on a lot of sites) or just Firefox (who comes first, grinds first) and suddenly the number of users jumps โ€“ by an estimated couple of million or more (LG is not a crumb and the EU has 447 million people, or it will include it everywhere, if it also evaluates it as a benefit for itself), i.e. it won't be just a few who would otherwise install it from the Store.

At the first stage, it might be a good idea to port only the Firefox ESR version due to memory consumption, where extensions and downloads are disabled and the number of possible Windows is limited.

This phrase no longer applies in the EU:
"WebOS is primarily designed to work with the built-in web browser"

You can try it here, for example, who can do it: