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Making moves
Status: New idea

I love my PC Thunderbird. Filtering saves me so much time and when a new vendor reaches me, I just create a new rule. It is so simple and effective. But I have not seen the Thunderbird for Android. I have tried K-9 mail and a couple others, but no filtering option exists and spam does not allow you to unenroll, they just give your address to 10 more people and your life gets worse. So filtering allows you to redirect it out of your face. So email on my Android is still not useable because all the spam fills up my phone and chokes it.

When will we be getting the Android version? Or is one out and I just don't know what it is called?

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Yes! It could be useful! I'm using several filters in thunderbird, but when I see messages in k9 I see all when are not filtered in thunderbird yet.

New member

The Thunderbird PC Auto E-Mail Spam Blocker works very well on the desktop version. It should be a "must have" on the Android version.

New member

This is a must have definitely. I think it is the most useful feature of thunderbird overall.

New member

+1 filters in mobile thunderbird, thanks

New member

Why hasn't the filter feature been added to Thunderbird mobile? I'm so disappointed—I installed it specifically for that, because otherwise I have to keep my computer on all day to run filters.

New member

I just am astonished to see that this feature - filtering in TB mobile - does not yet exist!
Like all the others I use filtering since the beginning of email and living without it is not an option. For now TB has to go.
But, please, add this feature to TB mobile! You'd win one more happy user 🙂

New member

I just loaded TB on my Android tablet, and having used the desktop version in the oast, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the way of filtering and pluginsl

Making moves

Great idea! It would be really handy (I don't know if it's already been suggested in another thread or planned in the roadmap), to be able to recreate automatic message filters like those on Desktop. Even if I understand that this wasn't a priority for the launch of the first version, it's the reason why I could definitely switch to Thunderbird for Android. At the moment, when I receive an email from X and I want it to go into the ‘Mail from X’ folder, all I can do is go to the PC and open the Thunderbird client to do it.

Making moves

Please add Rules to Thunderbird mobile and sync them to Thunderbird desktop. The QR approach to syncing accounts and settings between Thunderbird desktop and Thunderbird mobile is really nice. Adding Rules as an option to the QR checkboxes would be a great way to allow syncing Rules on demand between devices.

Rules are a really powerful way to manage email using Thunderbird desktop. K-9 email was a good email app -- good enough to merit Mozilla's attention, but its lack of ability to use Rules was one of its few weaknesses. Now that K-9 has become a core part of the new Thunderbird mobile app, that weakness should be corrected as soon as possible. Lacking the ability to set and sync rules between Thunderbird desktop and Thunderbird mobile makes things difficult for the mobile user.

For instance, rules can be set on Thunderbird desktop to mark email for deletion, move email to the Deleted folder, or delete email entirely. Rules can also be set to mark and tag email for better filtering, grouping, and sorting. Lacking those rules, Thunderbird mobile has only a search filter to aid the user in reducing the amount of email that is irrelevant to current session needs or preferences.

I'm certainly not telling you something you don't already know, but I hope you will seriously consider my feature request. I suspect a lot of Thunderbird mobile users will appreciate this improvement. I know I will.

Thanks for the work you do, and have a great day.

Making moves

There are many Android tablets that have screen space. Why not make a android port of the full Thunderbird desktop rather than reinvent the wheel?

New member

It makes me curious as to why this - in my opinion - important feature, has only received 20 votes (late Dec 24)?

If anyone at Mozilla is reading this; it would be nice to see a hint if this is on the road map, and if so - for which release is it planned?

Making moves

Maybe you haven't noticed,  but Thunderbird mobile is the topic. It isn't recreating the wheel, the wheel has already been created, since Mozilla acquired K9 and modified it to become part of the Thunderbird family.

This request is about adding a feature to the existing product that would increase its functionality and value. Also, most people carry cell phones, not tablets. Not only that, but most Android users probably don't port desktop apps, they use the Android apps provided.

If Thunderbird mobile is to gain traction, Mozilla has to make it easy to adopt and use for the largest user base possible. Many of those users just want to download and use an app, not tinker with it.

Hope this makes sense.

New member

must have filters to make worthwhile to switch

Strollin' around

I was excited when it was announced that thunderbird was coming to Android. I switched to K9 at that point and now have switched to the released thunderbird.

Initial impressions are good ... Android Thunderbird works well for me for mobile email and is probably an improvement on K9. However (and it's a big however) my excitement when the Android Thunderbird project was announced was that I could share the same filters, junk files, address book between my PC thunderbird (that I've been using since the Mozilla browser split into Firefox and thunderbird). As it stands "Thunderbird for Android" feels more like an improved K9 that has been called Thunderbird than an actual Android version of Thunderbird. 

I think getting filters, junk rules, address book sharing (and by implication actually having sync working for any Thunderbird) is essential for it to really be "Thunderbird for Android".

That said, what I'm using now is a great step along the way to what I really want!