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New member
Status: In development

Since update 98.0 32 bit, whenever a file is downloaded, a popup appears that never used to be. It's kind of annoying. Now I have to click the arrow to make it go away.

Making moves

I see the unwanted download popup gets bigger and bigger until it covers a large part of the screen. Evidently, it was done to help some people who can't find their downloads after they downloaded them. I'd suggest they learn how to use their devices instead of plaguing the rest of us with this very annoying addition that we can't control. We need to be able to turn it off. Are you listening, Mozilla?

New member

I hate this! IT BLOCKS WHAT l'M READING ON A PAGE HALF THE TIME! And you claim the majority of people aren't capable of clicking the DL icon to get the exact same list?  REALLY?!?  You claim they cannot find their downloads?  MAybe MAYBE you should create a download folder for them BWAHAHAAHAHAahahahaahah  then, BWAHAHAAhahahhasashaha they can find their downloads HAHAahahaahahaahha, wipes tears from eyes.

It's getting to the point the INET just isn't worth it.  Gotta take two days to fix your crap every time you force an update.  Well, the .001% were whining, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

New member

Why not give us back the option to not show the message again.   And why is there longer a link to "new features"?  I'd never download something without knowing what I'm downloading.

New member

The new download popup is Very Annoying and Very Distracting.  Please please turn it off or make it an option in settings.  I am just a humble layperson who doesn't understand GeekSpeak, and the popup on the downloads is just awful.

New member

As you say, it is a bad change.

New member

I too am here, to say i dont like this new "pop-up" download window.... Its fine if you guy wanna experiment so i challenge the company to experiment with an "turn off this feature" button for those who dont want the newest thing. Please and thank you ๐Ÿ˜„

New member

I too do not like the new "pop up download window" feature.

Ii have a challenge for the makers of this browser, Create a "turn off feature" option for those who dont want the newest thing. Customization works well for video games.. im sure it will work for you.

New member


New member

On a scale of 1-10, the annoyance of this is  90.

This was one of the reasons I dropped Chrome, now i'm opting to Opera GX because it doesn't have this **bleep** there.

New member

Kill it with FIRE!

New member

Good day!

I wanna suggest to stop the download window from popping-up every time I download any type of file.
It is kinda annoying that it always pops-up by its own and I have to manually click somewhere to make the download window disappear ๐Ÿ˜ž

This happened after just updating mozilla firefox to version 99.0.1
i kinda regretted updating ๐Ÿ˜ž

New member

Whenever I have to download some files, the pop-up practically robs me 25% of my working screen, interferes with whatever I am doing and forces me to close it in order to keep going.

Mozilla ops explained that "it helps many users with retrieving downloaded files". I see your point, and it's great that you try to satisfy users' needs like this, but for a lot more of other users this change is a real nuisance. I had to resort to another browsers a couple of times to get things done, which was a headache.

The only  solution Mozilla gave us was to customize the toolbar and remove the download icon. What? That icon is useful, guys! We like that icon, but we simply don't want to deal with the obnoxious pop-ups all the time. So, why don't you make them a customizable option? So we can just easily click on the very download icon in the toolbar, then check a nice sub-menu where you can choose wether you want things the good old way or this new notification. Ah, you could add a third option to adjust the pop-up size, as well.

Thanks for your time.

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all, 

Exciting news...

This idea plus supporting comments have been shared with the product team, and we're happy to report back that this will be fixed in an upcoming release (102). Please feel free to follow along on Bugzilla for more info or stay tuned here ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team