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Making moves
Status: New idea

Until recently it was possible to drag tabs left - right in a window (in order to sort them), or one could drag a tab 'out of' a window in order to open it i a new window, and one could also drag a tab from one window into another (and if there was only one tab in a window, that window woud be automatically closed if the tab was dragget into another one)

I used this feature everyday, and it is a vital part of my way of working and using firefox.

Could these features please just be reintroduced ASAP?

Without them I have to look for another provider, and I am otherwise very happy to use and support Mozilla and Firefox.

AND - if there is something I have to do to 'reactivate' this after your latest update, someone please tell me what I should do, and in any case: this should be standard features!!!

thanks a lot!

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