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New member
Status: New idea

It would be great to be able to close vertical tabs when the side bar is collapsed. Currently, the only way to do that is to right click the tab icon and click close. If there could be an X on the tab after hovering for a moment to close the tab, that would be great!

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

It's already there in nightly? Also, you can double-click on the tab to close it.

Making moves

Hey there, I think you're riding the stable? It's already there on nightly. Also, you can double-click the tab icon to close it.



The close button (displayed when you hover over a favicon in the vertical tabs layout) will be available in Firefox stable version 136 on March 4. The screenshot doesn't it show it very well, but I hovered over the Wikipedia tab in it 🙂 

Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 5.52.01 PM.png

New member

Hi, is there a way to disable the close button?

I have already closed multiple tabs by accident due to this new button and it is becoming a bit annoying.

Thanks in advance!