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New member
Status: New idea

Would be great if search suggestions, URLs, etc. could be curated bottom-up when the address bar/Toolbar has been set to the bottom of the mobile browser. Having to reach for a search result at the top of the page undoes the ease of a bottom toolbar.

Hopefully can be taken up for consideration. Apologies if it already has been posted. I couldn't find mention on searching, hence the fresh post.


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.


We looked at this when we moved the address bar to the bottom. While interesting and sensible from an information hierarchy it goes against where the eye naturally looks for information. Which is the top left for languages that read left to right. We don't have any plans at this time to explore such a change.

New member

@KevinBrosnanI see. Thank you for the response. Hopefully worth a re-look some time in the future then.


Status changed to: Not right now
Community Manager
Community Manager

This idea is not a fit for us right now, but we will review it again down the road and update the status if needed.

For additional context on the decision, check out @KevinBrosnan's post here in the comment section.

Making moves

I disagree, if you are using the bottom browser your eye is already there, having to move it from bottom to top is wasteful. I would suggest a "Top Suggestions" bar, showing at max two or three listed (sponsored, curated, associated links) items literally just above the browser bar, with a full search button in the top half, preview and else in the top part of the screen.

Making moves

I think this idea can be implemented as an optional feature. Then those who like it can enable it for themselves.

Strollin' around

When toolbar is at the bottom, reverse search suggestion order and push results closer to bottom bar

As a user, when toolbar is at the bottom for Firefox Mobile, I want the search suggestion order to be reversed and aligned closer to the bottom bar, so that it is easier to reach the top suggestions.

This is especially so if user is using the phone with only one hand. Most user who prefer to use only one hand will opt for the navigation bar to be placed at the bottom, instead of the top.

A good reference would be the Vivaldi mobile browser


## Firefox screenshot:


## Vivaldi screenshot:


Notice, for the Vivaldi browser:

1. The top suggestion is reversed and placed at the bottom,

2. The results are "pushed" as close to the keyboard as possible, with as little margin as possible


Making moves

Suggested links from bottom (Android, address box)

Having the address/search box at the bottom is great. Easy to reach, convenient. However, the suggestions that pops up should populate the screen from the bottom, just above the address box. Today you have to reach all the way up the screen to tap suggested website. Hope you can add the option to have the suggested websites/addresses to appear from the bottom instead.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)