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Making moves
Status: New idea

Recently, when I joined an online meeting through my browser; I had used picture-in-picture mode to be able to see what was presented while I used other tabs and programs. However, I noticed that there wasn't an option to mute/unmute, turn on/off the camera, and other controls. Now, I don't know if this is possible to integrate in Firefox's picture-in-picture mode. But I feel like with this kind of functionality implemented in picture-in-picture mode, it would save users' time in being able to turn on/off their microphone or camera from the picture-in-picture mode. Instead of having to go back to the tab where the meeting is and turn on/off their camera or microphone. Sure, some people would have the meeting software installed on their computer, but there are users would rather use their browser to join or host meetings.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Thanks @YPAP2205 for submitting the idea.

This is exactly what I was looking for when I posted my comment :


Making moves

Thanks @YPAP2205 for submitting your idea.

That was exactly what I was thinking of when I commented on the PIP idea :

