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Status: New idea

A few months ago, Firefox for Android and iOS was added to the list of apps that can open PDF. Although there are thousands of PDF viewers in the market, I found Firefox very convenient for local document management on Android due to its support for shortcuts and collections. The URIs pointing to the emulated storage are persistent. So when the URIs of PDF files are sent by any file manager to Firefox, they can be added to collections, shortcuts, and bookmarks. Personally, I found collections more useful for local document management. However, Firefox for Android only opens PDF. Although other MIMO types such as images, videos, audio, and text/html can be easily opened in Firefox, and these files can then be added to collections, shortcuts, and bookmarks.
Without even checking the code, I'm pretty sure that no development is required to get Firefox to open local images, video, audio, and text/html, just some simple extra coding in the manifest and, if I'm not mistaken, in the onCreate method.

Status changed to: New idea
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I personally didn't like the idea.

New member

I forgot to mention an important point why I would like to have this feature. I already mentioned that bookmarks and collections are handy for managing documents. Firefox TAB support is another important reason why it would be handy. Currently, I can open multiple PDF documents in different Firefox tabs and quickly switch between documents, but I canโ€™t do that with images. On the other hand, how can I quickly switch between selected images on Android without installing a special app? Considering that Firefox is already installed. The same is with videos and texts. I don't think it would take more than a day to develop for someone familiar with the code. Testing wouldn't take much time either.