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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

Similar to Firefox Container tabs it would be useful to have containers (like "Work", "Private", etc.) in Firefox password manager to differentiate between accounts for the same service, but different contexts.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Making moves

I like idea, but I would advocate for tags/labels rather than categories (so to have a password tag with one or more tags instead of putting a credential in only one fixed category).


Making moves

 i wouldnt suggest saving passwords in Mozilla or any other browser  its how most  hacks access you data  info to start with and mozilla is not that strong on it encryption and safety

Strollin' around

Definitely a nice feature to have. Of course, tags are preferable to fixed categories, but you can also navigate between tags in a tree-like way. I hope to have this feature soon! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

New member

Organize Passwords by Category

Add ability to organize passwords by category (i.e. Banking, Computers, Medical/Health, Shopping, Apps, Browsing, Email, News,etc.).

Making moves

+1 for this idea

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

1. When Firefox asks to save a password, the pop-up window should contain an additional field to enter an optional tag. This tag would also be shown as an editable field in the 'about.logins' password manager page. The combination of username and tag would be unique. This will allow to have multiple passwords for the same user name on the same login page, but for different accounts, example is where you specify the aws account (name or number) in a field on the login page.

2. When Firefox shows the list of available logins for a login page, the tag should be shown beside the user name. This allows the user to pick the right password.

3. When the user changes the password, this new value should be checked against the chosen username&tag combination. If different, the pop-up should ask whether to overwrite the existing password or to save as a new entry with a different tag.

Strollin' around

Be Able to Organize and Group Saved Logins

I have logins that are more important than others (financial, work, groups), and I would like to be able to check them regularly and not just have the dialog box pop up to update it. Why not have the settings has the saved logins be organizeable/groupable like the bookmarks are?

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Strollin' around

@JonWelp, I'll delete this then!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@dean_1 all good, no need to delete. I'll merge the two threads together.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Strollin' around

What stage is this idea in?