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New member
Status: New idea

How about to create an option inside Android Firefox Settings to choose what to do when to click on a PDF File URL: "Open PDF built in Firefox" or "Open PDF through default PDF Reader". With this option all users would benefit.

So, when the android user to click on URL to a PDF file, the firefox will ask to download/open the file using the default PDF Reader. The same functionality in Android Firefox 110 version.

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.


We have recently added a button to download a PDF and in the next release there will also be a button to "Open in app". This should be enough to cover all use cases. Does it work for you?

New member

This "Open in App" will be a (option 1) button displayed after the built in feature download the pdf file? Or (option 2) will be an option inside Android Firefox Settings to be enabled/disabled?

If option 1, the PDF File will be downloaded (built in feature) and re-downloaded (after click on the button "Open in App")?

I think the option 2 is a better choice. Firefox will download the pdf file and display a button to open in Default PDF Reader, like firefox 110 and previous versions.


We are working on option 1. It should be easier for users to see the PDF first, and only then decide if they want to download it or open it in an external app. If they don't see it first, they can't make an informed choice.

New member

Please! without re-download!

Maybe open the same dialog (like firefox 110 version) to choose How to open the file: "Open inside Firefox" or "Open with Default PDF Reader".  So, the user will:

1 - click on the PDF link;

2 - Firefox will display an Open Dialog box with two options:

2.1 - Open inside Firefox

2.2 - Open with Default PDF Reader


I don't really like this idea of opening internally/builtin and then click on a button to open again the file (with another app). I don't know if I'm the only one who thinks so, but this sounds very redundant.