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New member
Status: New idea

It is genuinely surprising that this is not a feature. I, personally, would greatly benefit from being able to pin emails to the top of a folder/inbox. I saw someone had posted last year asking if this was an option and I imagine that there are more than enough users who would utilize that as well to warrant implementing it. For whatever reason, the mod who replied at that time felt the need to call this idea silly. Silly how? 🤔 (There is not a valid answer to that so ignore the question.) I'm not sure how it could be hard to understand why tags and stars (which I do use) are not a suitable alternative to this, as they do not serve the same particular purpose.

There are often messages I wish I could pin to the top of my inbox; to serve as a reminder and/or to have it readily available while they're awaiting my attention. I do not want to have to use a filter, change my sort order, navigate between folders, or use other means to seek out certain messages. That is counterproductive for me. My inbox typically has at least one "page" worth of unread messages at any given time. And even though many of them are for dealing with a later date, segregating them in their own folder will just be a deterrent for me - Especially these days as my work load is overwhelming. So, I would like to pin higher priority messages to the top of the list while also having the rest of my messages visible below; in the same sort order and what not.

Can we take a vote?

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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New member

Exactly. We need this solution implemented now!

New member

I too would like this feature.

Despite having had access to email for 30 years now, I have never adopted 'disciplines' over it.  I don't ruthlessly prune my inbox, but tend to adopt it as a 'single container for everything'.  When I _do_ decide I need other folders, they inevitably end up as 'graveyards' for messages which the search will no longer find; and this blunts my enthusiasm for them.

With the constant inflow of messages, even quite recent activity which I have set aside and want to pick up again, ends up far enough down the list that to hunt for it becomes onerous.  To be able to pin messages to the top, or even a slicker UI to move messages into the 'Tasks' collection with minimum fuss, would help me.

I'm sure that for the disciplinarians amongst you, my behaviour is merely 'sloppy', or 'unprofessional', or 'lazy'.  Myself, having travelled a life-journey from highly disciplined as a child, to overwhelmed by fatigue as a parent and employee, I tend to be a little less judgemental, and to try to work with 'people as they are', rather than  'ask people to change'.

I'm sure that this project soaks up effort on even the simplest of maintenance, and facing as I am, the prospect of the significant upgrade from v102 to v115, someone must have been putting in a great deal of work to keep this workhorse functional and relevant.  So 'bravo'.  My issue is a niggle, for me, and needs to be prioritised, as such.

Making moves

In Outlook at the very least, there's the possibility of pinning emails to the top of the list. I think it's a very useful feature to have, so that we can remember to take action on those emails.

Maybe we could have this option in Thunderbird. If it would be technically feasible so that the state of pinned emails in the native client could be propagated to Thunderbird, that would be fantastic. Otherwise, it would still make a great feature to enjoy, especially for those using POP, but also for IMAP users even if we have to do it independently in Thunderbird.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Definitely begging for this feature. Even if someone could just create an add-on. 

Strollin' around

I recently had to move to Thunderbird at work, and really miss this feature.

New member

I first used this feature in Spark, and then Edison, and love it! I would dearly love to use Thunderbird but pinning messages is a dealbreaker for me!