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Thunderbird v102, calendar reminders cannot be minimized

Making moves

I have linked my google calendar to Thunderbird 102 via the Caldav format.

After the update to 102 the calendar reminders cannot be Dismissed, neither Dismiss single reminder nor multiple.

Does anyone else have the same problem?


Making moves

Same here. Short of deleting the event, it seems to be stuck. 

Making moves

Same here, so it is a bug they need to fix.

Making moves

Same here. I can't acknowedge reminders in Thunderbird being brought up by my integrated google calender via caldav/v2 integration.

Making moves

Seems to be less of a problem on the 102.0.1 release, at least on my portable version. The .2 release is in the wild for normal users.

Making moves

I have had the problem in 102, 102.0.1 and 102.0.2. All the same.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's some misconfiguration from the Google server end. They do break things quite regularly.  The past few reminders I've had have cleared without issue. 
Have you looked to see if it's showing anything in the Error Console?

I'm using 102.10.1 (64 bit) and Google calendar.. was having same issue as everyone else. Fix for me.. In T-bird Google Calendar: Properties-> Email: verify the email in this slot is the google email you used to create the Google calendar. I had a account address in there (wasn't paying attention to details when creating calendar in T-bird), since updating that property, all has been good - going on 2 weeks now.

Making moves

Has it been determined if this is a Thunderbird 102 bug or some other issue that was exposed with the move to version 102? If anyone has a work around or way to resolve the problem, please post it. Still have this annoying issue after upgrading to 102.0.3 using the 64 bit version. 

I have the same problem with version 102.8.0

Making moves

Dear Thunderbird coders.

I appreciate the effort you have with the email, but the calendar is a constant struggle.

I have had struggles with the calendar during all 20 years I have used it

Right now I can not accept any meeting in the emails. It pops up and shows the list iwth calendars, but when I accept it no email is sent as a reply to the user who invited me NOR does it add any calendar booking into the calendar itself.

When will this start working? I am getting endlessly fed up with this as it makes me miss meetings and look like a comple idiot as if I can not keep track of anything even if my customer snds a proper invitation.

This has been going on for soon 20 years on and off. And I as a user have to have all kinds of geeky things to do. you must step up or people will abandon this. I am on my way already. Microsoft outlook is easy to use.

I suggest you solve this once and for all.

Also, support for microsoft calendars should be added a long time ago. Why can't I simply just use Thunderbird for microsoft calendars?

Making moves

Calendar problems persist in v102.1.0 x64. When it click dismiss all notifications, there's always one or two events that that just won't go away, until they've been dismissed a few times.

There seems to be some sort of weird lag on some notifications. The other day, I clicked to dismiss all, and nothing happened, so I thought I'd make a tea then look at the logs while I clicked. When I got back with my drink (call it 7 to 10 minutes) all the notifications were closed.

Calendar problems persist in v102.8.0 x64

Making moves

Why such a long delay?

why can this problem be solved in a robust way once and for all?

I guess the next response may be I ned to get into the editor and set all kinds of things like it always ends up with.

I may be a person who works in the software industry, but I certainly have enough to do than also get into the calendar editor, run scripts and all in Thunderbird also.
Just make this work once and for all

Making moves

Still a problem in 102.1.2.  Mine won't go away.  The last appointment reminder keeps reappearing every 20 minutes or so and at every startup on Win10.

Making moves

And the Accept buttons on invitations do not work.

I keep getting invitations and cannot accept any of them.

Make Thunderbird work so we can use it. Make it a modern Email and Calendar client.

Try opening the message in a new window - you may have the buttons then to accept.

Making moves

Although I didn't see anything in the release notes for 102.2.0 that addressed this, the issue seems to be resolved - at least for my installation.  After the update, a couple of calendar notifications still couldn't be dismissed.  However, over a couple of days, they gradually went away.  Handling new notifications works as it should.

Making moves

Still a problem in 102.2.0 x64, not go away...

Making moves

This is my biggest issue with Thunderbird and has been for quite some time.

Making moves

Same as the previous. It's now nearing the end of October 2022, with no fix for this, un-be-liev-able !

I'm tired of being tired.. MS Office 2021 looks highly promising 😞

I've found I'm able to dismiss entries if there isn't a period in them - like Dr. visits, for example.  There are still some other issues.  Creating new appointments always fills in the current time of day rather than the time where you clicked on the calendar.  Seems like calendar doesn't get a lot of attentioin.

Making moves

yes, this Thunderbird calendar has been a complete rubbish for years and we have to stand it year after year. And no one is getting a proper grip of the situation.

It is enough with this and the false promises and we users can never have a good tool.

As I have previously said the calendar has been complete rubbish for years with endless number of errors with syncing, approving and then we ned to do all kinds of tricks with editors and parameters.

For gods sake, can you make something that is simple and where you do not need to be a nerd to fix the Accept on the calendar?
Can you make it work for good or should we continue another couple of years with complete utter rubbish where we as users look like idiots to our customers and colleagues or are you completely incompetent to make it work once and for all?

Making moves

I have seen slightly different (mixed) behavior WRT this issue. Usually when I restart Thunderbird, I am able to dismiss the reminders as expected. I assume that's why some folks think it has been resolved while it hasn't really. Unfortunately if I leave Thunderbird up for several days, the issue eventually comes back. In fact, there are many random time when I get no alerts for important meetings. Other times I get alerts for meetings that I have declined!

I'm on a MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 Pro chip running Ventura 13.0.1.
I also use it on a Windows 10 HP laptop x86_64.

This was my experiece - after a few days, I couldn't dismiss any reminders.

I'm now on the current version (102.5.1 32bit) and can't dismiss anything at all - not even after a restart of Tbird. My calendar is linked to Fastmail, so it's not related to Google calendar.

I suppose we should remember that this is open source and those of us that don't contribute can't really complain that someone hadnn't fixed this if they are not being paid to do so. Though it is very frustating. John

Making moves

The only solution I have found is to close Thunderbird and reopen it.  Annoying.

Making moves

I installed the 64-bit version omn T'bird and the calendar problems went away.

Search for instructions on where to get the download and install. It reused my existing  accounts. Removed the 32bit version.


Making moves

I had the same problem until today (using the ics format calendar).

I tried disabling the offline support and it works smoothly again. You can reinable it afterwards. 

1) right click on the calendar (mine has the name of the Google email):

2) properties

3) uncheck "offline support"

Also check for any unusued calendars. Example I had a "default" named one which was linked to a local calendar file I got exporting events from a software I used earlier. I disabled that too


Making moves

Same issue here, with 102.7.2.

Solve for someone without any manual intervention?

As of 102.8.0 the problem hasn't been fixed yet

Making moves

In 102.9.0 (current in Ubuntu 22 right now) not fixed either.




Neither in 102.10.0 (Ubuntu 23)

Finally this seems to be fixed in 102.11.0 (Ubuntu 23)! 🎉

Edit: Today same issue showed up, maybe I was not connected to the network for a second last time 😕




It does not work in Windows version

and it has been on and off for the past 10 years.


when I use outlook it just works all the time!

I am still having the same issue in 102.11.0 (Manjaro KDE).

Making moves

Now, if the reminders could appear BEFORE the event and not 20 to 30 minutes after it that would be nice too!

Ok, this problem I don't have...I usually collect them all 🙂

Making moves

This is also a problem for version 102.11.2 (64-bit) on OpenSuse (Tumbleweed) Linux but I'm astounded that IT IS STILL A PROBLEM at all! It's clearly widespread and a fairly high sev problem and there's not been a solution nor surprisingly any response from the development team, at the very least acknowledging it and offering some insight about its relative priority and difficulties. Come on guys, at least tell us something

Incidentally (and I don't know how relevant this might be) I killed the Thunderbird process. The dialogue was an orphan/zombie because the main window had disappeared. When I restarted Thunderbird, the dialogue returned but I could now Dismiss All successfully

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