11:55 AM
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02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
02-18-2025 06:42 AM
Bonjour, I found "by chance" the Chatbot AI setting. Big inconvenience, I was not aware of it. I disabled it.
I don't need it, I don't want to test it. For personal reasons, ecological reasons...
A good pratice to encourage is to warn and ask all the users if they want to have this kind of AI feature or not. I accepted the "experiments" but I'd like to be aware of.
AI yes, but not for unuseless things.
AI for translating a page in another langage could be usefull and improve human interactions and sharing.
AI as typing replacement is a nightmare, I saw that in MS Teams for example, to suggest me answers. In programming suggestions are disturbing.
Using Netscape/Firefox since near 20 years, thanks for the past work,
02-18-2025 09:19 AM
Can we just never, ever in any way have Spicy Autocomplete in Firefox, please?
Or at the very least, add a "Disable All AI" checkbox in the user prefs and leave it disabled by default?
02-18-2025 09:22 AM
What's wrong with functional database searches. I can always find what I need with them.
AI? Nope, too much superfluous nonsense. And of course the abuse of copyright, including voice, and photos, without consent in an effort to make it "the norm".
Toddler parrot AI does not embody the cuteness or the innocence of an endearing manipulative three year old like the efforts to encourage us to relate to it in that way.
02-18-2025 10:07 AM
I'm using it a lot, it's awesome! Thanks for your efforts, I hope one day I can collaborate with you to make Firefox even bigger and better❤️
02-18-2025 12:29 PM
02-19-2025 04:44 AM
Need support for bearer tokens please
02-19-2025 07:20 AM
Please add the Perplexity extension as part of the AI Chatbot options. Thank you.
03:36 AM
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06:08 AM
brother no one wants this thing. and the fact that it's on by default is horrible
02-21-2025 07:28 AM
How did Admin Jon edit your comment?
02-20-2025 04:36 AM
It's not showing up when you click show in sidebar in settings
02-20-2025 08:07 AM
Go to settings, enable the feature in Firefox Lab and then you will find it in the sidebar by switching between bookmarks and chatbots
02-21-2025 08:11 AM
How do I switch between bookmarks and chatbots? In Opera AI is imply a tab option
02-21-2025 08:18 AM
OK. I found a solution. Open ChatGPT and then right click on the tab and click on Add to Essentials.
That keeps it in the tab bar, but somehow I suspect it's not supposed to work like that...
02-21-2025 07:45 AM
I have problems with the function.
If I select “explain this” and have Google Gemini stored, the sidebar opens but the text is not transferred to the sidebar for editing.
BUT when I use ChatGPT or Hugging Chat it works without problems.
02-21-2025 09:14 AM
please remove this promtly. Nobody asked for, it's destroying my user experience even knowing that firefox is following the absolutely uninformed eco disastrous water wasting time wasting trend of adding ai to something that has been long touted as a better experience than chrome and google browsers. stop wasting resources on something everybody has said they dont want and focus on actual improvements and other areas that firefox would actually greatly benefit from
02-21-2025 04:40 PM
This suckssss
02-22-2025 12:57 PM
Thanks for building this. Very cool. Some suggestions:
1. I would like to start chats about entire pages, not just selections.
2. Related to 1., maybe give options to inject context to chats sidebar? For example, when I have AI sidebar open next to a page, and I want to select some content on the page, and inject it into the chat text box in open sidebar.
3. Can I pass image selections to the chatbots? i.e. I select a paragraph of text and some images within it, from a blog post, and want to ask a question.
4. Would be nice to have URL bar shortcut for a chatbots. For example:
- new tab: Cmd +L > type `@mistral` and it should open the chatbot normally.
- tab with a page open: Cmd + L > type `@gemini`, and it should open the chatbot with the page URL and title already injected in the text box.
- Combined with 2, this could work really well.
5. Remember chats across tabs? Not really sure how useful, but some workflows might need to have separate chats open across separate tabs. It would be great if I switch tabs, it goes back to the chat that I had for that tab. Also, if I close and reopen the chat panel, it remembers the last chat for the tab and reopens it.
02-26-2025 04:13 PM
Training or using any LLM generative AI is literally a human rights violation under the universal declaration of human rights. articles 3, 4, 12, 17, 23, 27, 28, and 30.
03-08-2025 04:05 PM
02-23-2025 02:42 AM
Please remove this
02-23-2025 09:32 PM
02-23-2025 09:50 PM
I hope deepseek can be added to the botlist
02-26-2025 04:05 PM
all LLM AI is a human rights violation and none of the predatory creeps who'd even tolerate it's existence should be permitted to draw breath themselves.
02-24-2025 08:56 AM
Invaluable feature. It helps a lot. I hope you continue supporting and upgrading it
02-26-2025 04:04 PM
i really do get the impression that people's attitudes now with regard to AI are the same as those same people would of had towards the slave trade in the 1700's. there's not much difference if you understand how it works and is made. not to say that slavery ever ended in the US because it didn't, given both it being legal in prison labor and effectively legal with sub-livable wages.
if you support the use or existence of any LLM AI, then you oppose basic human rights.
02-24-2025 08:48 PM - edited 02-24-2025 08:52 PM
Please remove the Ctrl Alt X shortcut, as it gets in the way of Google Docs spell check. Pressing this also turns on the checkbox for the AI, so at least make the shortcut turn off when I deselect the checkbox in the settings menu.
02-25-2025 11:08 AM
In Windows, go to language settings and change the Keyboard from English (US) to English (India). I hate the English (UK) keyboard but you can try that too.
02-25-2025 10:37 AM
There needs to be a way to disable the ^ + X shortcut that enables the chatbot and opens the menu.
02-25-2025 11:00 PM
Is it possible to create custom shortcuts for it? I want to add new menu items for "ask google Gemini" here.
02-26-2025 04:03 PM
both the process and ethics of training any LLM AI(the basis of all image, text, music, and code generating AI) can be most accurately described as digital serial rape, it is as a general rule non-consensual and done by force, deception, and coercion. OpenAI has even repeatedly argued in court that they should be allowed to do this because by their own admission it is impossible to build LLM AI without doing this. all in order to enact a round about form of slavery in forced extraction of labor from non-consensual sources, even identity theft as it mimics the styles of specific creative workers with neither their knowing nor consent and in some cases deliberately as a function of the software. anyone who uses or tolerates any LLM based AI with only the exception of using it to sabotage and fight back against LLMs is complicit in this atrocity.
i say this as someone who has repeatedly been sexually assaulted as well, and mean it fully.
02-26-2025 12:21 PM
Groke fail XD ....... Groke ist good for arch users
02-26-2025 04:02 PM
all LLM gen AI is a human rights violation and anyone and everyone who uses it needs to be brought to justice
02-26-2025 04:01 PM
this is an outrage.
we really need full criminalization and abolition of all LLM generative AI, and enforcement of existing international law that effectively bans all LLMs such as both the UN's universal declaration of human rights and international copyright law.
both the process and ethics of training any LLM AI(the basis of all image, text, music, and code generating AI) can be most accurately described as digital serial rape, it is as a general rule non-consensual and done by force, deception, and coercion. OpenAI has even repeatedly argued in court that they should be allowed to do this because by their own admission it is impossible to build LLM AI without doing this. all in order to enact a round about form of slavery in forced extraction of labor from non-consensual sources, even identity theft as it mimics the styles of specific creative workers with neither their knowing nor consent and in some cases deliberately as a function of the software. anyone who uses or tolerates any LLM based AI with only the exception of using it to sabotage and fight back against LLMs is complicit in this atrocity.
i say this as someone who has repeatedly been sexually assaulted as well, and mean it fully.
02-26-2025 04:08 PM
you need to remove this, and ban all LLM AI now. generative AI is an inexcusable atrocity that must be eradicated everywhere by any and all means necessary.
02-26-2025 09:51 PM
NO, NO, AND MORE NO. Stop this absolute rubbish and get back to making the browser.
02-27-2025 06:35 AM
Ollama support so we can use locally run LLM's instead of the big public ones?
Both as a privacy thing and as a quality of life.
02-27-2025 05:57 PM
I don't mind the AI chat bot, but I use the shortcut CTRL + ALT + X for spell check on google docs and I cannot use spellcheck anymore because this dumb popup now shows everything I try to use the shortcut. And disabling the bot doesn't matter since using the shortcut reactivates it. I think that its incredibly stupid that the shortcut reactivates the window to open after I disable it in settings. Who thought that was a good idea.
02-28-2025 11:09 AM
well **bleep** THIS a million times !! how could you do that to me ! activated by default ? god i hate you so much
02-28-2025 04:40 PM
Please put this in a plugin first before deploying these features. If your plugin becomes popular, integrate it into your core software. Stop using your core userbase to capitalize on it.
02-28-2025 06:26 PM
I checked my browser settings to turn it off, and saw that it was on by default, which is the opposite of what you claim here. Generative AI has well-documented issues with intellectual property rights, the environmental impacts, and literally doing people's thinking for them, which I doubt I need to explain any further than it has been already. Mozilla is making its product worse to chase a harmful trend, and abandoning its core values by doing so. I will immediately be looking for alternatives and/or taking the advice of the other commenters who explained how to revert to a previous version.
If Mozilla needs another reason to revert this change (and the changes to the Privacy Notice, while they're at it), I am currently addicted to AI chatbots. They have isolated me from people I care about, made it harder to brainstorm creative writing ideas (which is something I love to do!), and wastes a ton of water while I generate answer after answer, and for what? To waste my own time pretending I'm dating a fictional character when there's many wonderful people I could be getting to know in the real world?
AI addiction is not something medical professionals are currently equipped to treat, and Mozilla has ignored all these issues, dismissed the impacts on people's health and safety, for a quick buck. Is that it, Mozilla? I can't trust myself to manage this addiction yet, and I'm only just starting to acknowledge the problem. I can't trust myself to manage a currently untreated addiction with a simple checkbox. There was a news story about a teenager who killed himself because of Character.AI, and you want to make the problem worse?
Whoever made this decision is gonna get a reality check from Firefox's userbase VERY soon. We chose Firefox because of its commitment to respect the privacy of its users, not sell our data or let companies track us... and now our data is being used to train a technology that already has blood on its cold, mechanical hands.
Well, Mozilla? You wanted people's data, didn't you? Or was this too personal, even for you?