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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

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Making moves

Generative AI services cannot ever be fully trusted as there is seldom a way to guarantee that it sources any information from reliable or ethical sources. When used in search engines, it's prone to amalgamating nonsensical and conflicting information with genuinely helpful information making it wholly unreliable. It is also very difficult to trust that any generative AI system has been trained on information that has the full consent of copyright holders, artists, writers, code writers, or users of the system. And that's not even touching on the environmental impact of the processing power used by AI tools.

Mozilla should reconsider following Google, Apple, and Meta into this unethical and unnecessary realm of generative AI tools.

Do not add this feature.

Making moves

I am on Firefox for many reasons, one of them being that it's an island away from all the other atrocious choices made by other browsers; privacy invading features, constant advertisement, and AI things (whose results are unpredictable and often wrong).

Not all AI is absurd; I understand the idea of having a chatbot on hand for those who wish for it (it being opt-in is already a good choice), but I still would be wary especially since you remain vague on which AI it is, which model and on what it has been trained. If you plan on basing it on pre-existing AIs such as chatGPT, you'll be boosting a highly problematic service with catastrophic ecological impact.

People wishing to use AI can easily find it elsewhere, but those wanting to avoid it are running out of options.

Making moves

it wouldn't improve my experience


Making moves


Making moves

I cannot see how an AI feature like the chatbot described could be useful for a browser. Please don't get in the line of mindless techbros who jump on the bandwagon of generative "AI", which at this point is just a really big bundle of if-formulae. I think this kind of technology is directly harmful to critical thinking, to customer experiences, to the internet ecosystem, and to the planet.

Making moves

Please don't. 

I moved to Firefox exactly to avoid AI usage. This is one of the only places that are comfortable enough and doesn't shove AI to anyone's face.

Making moves

Ai is ruining everything 😕 its made everything more difficult to use and in general giving me more problems than it solves

Making moves

Absolutely disgusted by this. Even as an optional feature, this signals a complete divorce from what made me use Firefox in the first place. If this becomes more than an experiment, I'll be jumping ship to Vivaldi. As it is, I'm considering jumping just because this was ever in consideration.

Making moves

NO and if anything remotely close to AI is added im moving browsers instantly. Firefox should pride itself on being different and unique not change to be like every garbage blotware bull**bleep** on the internet. i will not allow AI to steal my data and i will not be complicit to the destruction of natural resources that 1 single AI action causes. NO

Making moves

No, I will stop using Firefox. For the love of god no. 

Making moves

Listen, I have an actual review for y'all. Could you remove the annoying sparkles emoji that appears below text I highlight? The right-click menu already has the "Ask AI" option. It's unnecessary and in-the-way thus annoying.

Making moves

Absolutely not. I went to Firefox to escape from the various browsers deciding to implement ai where it isn't wanted. I feel like a betrayed Obi-Wan screaming 'YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!' at Anakin. As of right now, I'm looking for alternatives to Firefox that offer the same privacy and security, or close to as.

If Firefox decides despite the various negative comments they're getting, I will no longer be using this browser nor will I be recommending it to others, and I hope others will do the same. If anyone has an recommendations for other browsers, I'd be glad if you shared them with others.

Making moves

Oh hells no, you are not putting AI anywhere near this browser, you are making it an add on at most, YOU ARE NOT ALIENATING YOUR USERBASE OF CODERS AND ARTISTS WHO DESPISE AI IN EQUAL MEASURE

Making moves

Do NOT do this please ai is never a good idea

Making moves

gonna have to agree with the consensus of Hard No on this one. as of current, regardless of whether or not the integration of AI functions *could* have reliable uses to justify it (everything points to this stuff being incredibly unreliable, so that's a dubious assumption at best), the overabundance and abuse of these technologies has absolutely depleted any good will people could have towards them. put it away. give it 10 years and see if the discussion has evolved. right now, this stuff's just an eyesore, so don't waste your time developing it.

Making moves

Literally the only thing that could get me to stop using Firefox is AI integration. I'm using Firefox to GET AWAY from browsers that are forcing gimmicky, unhelpful, and privacy violating services onto users. Adding the planet killing plagiarism machine is all of that.

Making moves


Making moves

absolutely not

Making moves

I find the integration of this kind of AI into all web browsers incredibly disturbing.  From a business perspective, I think it’s actually more wise to NOT integrate AI to further distinguish yourself from platforms like Google and give the large amount of people against AI a platform they want to use.  As an individual, I am extremely against this kind of artificial intelligence and find it antithetical to Firefox’s message of anti-tracking.

Making moves

Even if it's optional, I'm very disappointed that you've considered this option at all. It is not needed, it is not wanted, and wastes a lot of resources. Please reconsider.

Making moves

Absolutely not and I will no longer be using Firefox if this is put into full effect

Making moves

DO NOT. i will actively start searching for a different browser if this gets integrated into the browser.

Making moves

Absolutely not. I've trusted Firefox for literally the majority of my life, having first used it as a literal child around the time of its inception. If you put AI in this browser, I'm uninstalling and never going back. The fact that you're even considering it is an obscene breach of the trust you've built over the years. This is disgusting and you should feel ashamed. This is not ethical.

Oh, and by the way? Your employee responding with passive aggressive condescending "you just don't understand" buzzword nonsense is a seriously bad look. We understand perfectly. We're saying no.

Making moves

Just scrap the entire idea and don't try and force this garbage upon your userbase, how about that?

Making moves

Literally no one wants this.

Making moves

AI uses a massive amount of energy per each prompt. Like, a massive amount. It uses so much water just to keep it cool. It's also not reliable in the slightest and all it does it make your audience lose trust for you.

I will never use fire fox again if you guys add ai. I know plenty of people who feel the same. Very dissapointed.

Making moves

Please don't. Nobody wanted AI in the first place, it's value was purely speculative and TO THIS DAY nobody can identify the supposed multi-billion dollar problem this supposed 'multi-billion dollar industry' is supposed to solve.

Microsoft and Google are caught in a race to the bottom to see who can bleed the most money out of their users while delivering as little product or service as possible, AI is just a symptom of the terminal disease they both have.

I would like to think that Mozilla, whose ENTIRE ETHOS is doing things properly and not just making a quick buck at the expense of users would understand why emulating that behaviour spits in the face of your customers.

Much like what everyone else is saying, if you implement AI I'm done with Firefox for good. Hope whatever paycheck you're getting for it is worth not having a userbase at the end of it.

Making moves
  1. Please please please don't integrate ai into Firefox. I'm BEGGING. Google search results are already infected by inaccurate ai results making the website impossible to use
  2. Ai wastes a ton of energy and requires a lot of water to cool the servers they run on. In this time of impending climate change disaster I don't want to be forced to contribute to the problem more than I already am.
  3. Ai steals artwork and jobs from artists-- writers included
  4. While I think there are practical uses for ai, I think the tech industry is overselling the actual capabilities of ai. I think they're propping up a service that's not actually as useful or correct as they think. I think the proper thing to do is perhaps maybe offer a guide on how to research things online in one of Firefox's existing services, to help people get better results when using the internet to search for things.

Please I'm BEGGINg you, do not ruin firefox with ai. I literally left Chrome because of the implementation of artificial intelligence in their webservices and because they allow ai to scrape Google docs and other services without providing a clear guide on how to block it.

Making moves

I'm probably the target audience for this feature: I think AI is fascinating, I think there's nothing wrong with analyzing publicly shared data to build a product, and I use LLMs on a semi-regular basis.  That said, I still don't have much interest in this. if I want an LLM to do something with web page content I'll just open it in a new tab and paste in the text.

Making moves

Please for the love of what/whoever don't do this. This is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea.

Making moves

Hi! Nobody asked for this, nobody wants it, it's just going to ruin things that work perfectly without it and i'm not even talking about how many natural ressources AI consumes for nothing. Please remove this useless thing. I wish AI a very "get extinct soon".

Making moves

Please do not.

Making moves

No. Nope. Nu-uh. My goodness why are every single company so dead set on putting AI into everything. Why is nowhere AI free thieese days. They are litterally useless.

Making moves

I do not see the purpose in an AI update to the browser, and I'm unlikely to use it as a Firefox user. If it is incorporated more intrusively, I may switch to another browser.

Making moves

As an exclusive Firefox user who installed it to get away from invasive sellout browsers, no. Just no.

I'll echo the sentiments of everyone else here and say we're tired of AI being shoved in our faces, i can confidently say Firefox will lose a large portion of its userbase if they subscribe to this awful trend, and I myself may not feel safe to continue using it.

Firefoxs' appeal is in its loyalty to its users, its privacy, customisability, convenience, I could go on. But to sacrifice that for a feature nobody wanted nor needed would be a massive loss on Mozillas part, and extremely disappointing.

Making moves

Hey there, I am hugely disappointed that an organization such as Mozilla would even consider implementing AI into their browser. Should this turn out to be actually included in future versions, I am seriously considering changing the browser I use from Firefox to another one. I sincerely hope that your team is able to listen to this feedback and keep on excluding AI, which imho is a huge quality feat that does not require any improvement. All the best!

Making moves

hey, no. you dont need ai to do anything. like. the ai-ification of programs and apps is appalling. its not needed at all and should be removed asap. who the heck thought this was a good idea

Making moves

Why the absolute ELBOW would you do this. Please keep AI tf out of Mozilla.

Sidenote: Is this why every time I open Firefox for the last month, it's been using 40-45% CPU and GPU on nothing at all  (literally even when I'm not using my computer, but firefox is open)??? Am I in some kind of test group??? STOP

!! I noticed that too! Not a fan.